GLOBALIZATION:STAKES FOR EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNIONS From «old» to «new Labor Economics» Mario Murteira (ISCTE, Lisbon) 25/02/2019
GLOBALIZATION AND TRADE UNIONS summary Models of economic growth Transitions to the global market The «market friendly approach» and the new role of State The impact of China in the global market Old and new «Labor Economics» Trade unions in the 21st Century 25/02/2019
THE «OLD» GROWTH MODEL Accumulation of fixed capital Industrialization Technical progress as « residual factor» USSR paradigm: heavy industry, central and self reliant planning 25/02/2019
THE RECENT WAVE OF GLOBALIZATION Transitions since the last quarter of the 20th Century End of the Second and Third «Worlds» Trends in Foreign Direct Investment The new ICT Globalization of capital and globalization of knowledge What is «globalization», after all ? 25/02/2019
FROM THE OLD TO THE NEW LABOR ECONOMICS Labour in developed capitalism in the «golden years» (1945/75) Employment structure Blue collar unionism Full employment as major policy goal «Welfare State» Population growth 25/02/2019
From the manual worker to the «knowledge worker» New employment structure Flexibilization of the labor market New demographic conditions Crisis in retirement funding «Elephants» and «fleas» (Handy) 25/02/2019
GLOBAL ECONOMICS AND KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMICS OPORTUNITIES New knowledge and innovation Poverty reduction Convergence in the world economy «Human development» Local, national and global citizenship Globutopia scenario THREATS «Economy based knowledge» Increasing exclusion and inequality Employment «flexibility» Globalization and de-regulation of capital flows «Alfavela» scenario 25/02/2019
THE «MARKET FRIENDLY APPROACH» A new approach to the economic role of the state «Structural competitivity» in competition for Foreign Direct Investment The Washington Consensus The EU Lisbon Strategy and its reformulation The European «social model» in question EU facing globalization The search for «another globalization» 25/02/2019
THE IMPACT OF CHINA AND THE CHANGING STRUCTURE OF THE GLOBAL MARKET The «Open door» and the «One country two systems» strategies in China´s transition to the global market in the last 30 years The fast growth of the Chinese economy and its implications for the growth of the world economy Value and capital accumulation in the global market The transnational managemnt of the value chain The internal demand of the Chinese economy as great engine of world economic growth The growing outflow of Chinese exports and FDI 25/02/2019
MORAL OF THE STORY Post-national or transnational capitalism The great engine of world economic growth seems to be moving from West to East TNC as global players The labor market is increasingly global «Globalization» is probably the major and determinant trend of our «age of transitions» 25/02/2019
TRADE UNIONS IN THE 21st CENTURY Are trade unions obsolete? Trade unions as transnational actors The need for global agreements The search for a social dimension of globalization New models for social cohesion in Europe EU as an interactive framework supporting trade unions 25/02/2019