Editing Learning Targets: Day 1: Know the phases of editing. Day 2: Know the two styles of editing. Day 3: Know some of what helps to make good editing.
Know the phases of editing. Day 1
Think, Pair, Share List your knowledge about editing. Put down everything you THINK you know. Don’t worry about correctness. Share Compile a list of responses onto large butcher paper. Discuss your ideas with anyone beside you.
6 Phases of Editing Review Assemble Edit Rough Cut Fine Cut Picture Lock Final Treatment
Phase 1 Review Phase Log & transfer, log & capture, import, and/or ingest shots. Review video: Recap what was shot. Good vs. Bad takes Organize shots: Place into bins.
Phase 2 & 3 Assemble Edit Rough Cut Clip out-points and in-points very, very loosely. Place “takes” into the anticipated/desired order. Trim clip out-points and in-points closer. Don’t worry about edit over-lap yet. Review timeline for narrative logic, emotional impact, and pacing. Rearrange clips to achieve desired effect.
Phase 4 & 5 Fine Cut Picture Lock Cut for precise out-points and in-points. The edit is smooth Double check all looks good. Lock all video and audio clips. Prevents unintended edits from happening.
Phase 6 Final Treatment Application of color correction and/or grading. Addition/refinement of VFX or SFX. Complete post production sound work.
Mindstream Preparation: Directions: Work with your shoulder partner. Student A summarizes topic for a minute. Student B listens and encourages student A. Reverse roles. Repeat process with a new partner.
Know the two styles of editing. Day 2
Styles of Video Editing Continuity Editing vs. Complexity Editing Styles of Video Editing
Continuity Editing Defined: The purpose is to emphasizes a smooth transition of time and space and to establish a logical coherence between shots. Example: “The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing”. TC: 01:03:48
Complexity Editing Defined: The purpose is to intensify action or juxtapose ideas by intentionally breaking the rules of continuity. Student Example: player.vimeo.com/video/66197359
Jump Cut: Bad for Continuity, OK for Complexity YOU DEFINE IT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Flash Frame: Bad for Continuity, OK for Complexity YOU DEFINE IT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Magnet Summary Directions: As a class, list important words about continuity and complexity editing. 2. Choose four words that are most important. Make a sentence or two that summarizes continuity and complexity editing; use the four words in your sentence(s).
Know some of what helps to make good editing Day 3
View Sample Watch this Clip: List the “So-Called” Editing Errors: No, we’re not going to replay it. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Some of the “Errors” These screen grabs were taken at the out and in points of the edit. IN OUT EX 1 EX 2 What “errors” do you see?
So-Called Errors Dustin Hoffman doesn’t lean in as far. Hoffman’s head isn’t in the same spot. Chief’s hands are up.
So, What Do We Think We’ve Learned? With casual viewing, we didn’t notice the errors. After critical viewing, we did notice the errors. What does that mean that we didn’t initially notice these errors?
Activity Everyone read, “When and where to make the cut: inspired by Walter Murch’s In the Blink of an Eye” Outline the article’s points with a partner. See example. Write a paragraph that explains what we know now about editing. Reference both the Little Big Man clip AND the article. Do it with your partner.
Editing Learning Targets: Day 1: Know the phases of editing. Day 2: Know the two styles of editing. Day 3: Know some of what helps to make good editing.