What is the structure of the heart and how is it adapted to its function? Baseline (Flightpath D): To be able to describe the function of the heart, state the main structures of the human heart and list examples of problems that can develop in blood vessels in the human heart. Further (Flightpath C&B ): To be able to describe the function of the main structures of the human heart, describe the problems that can develop in blood vessels in the human heart, and their treatments. Suggest advantages and disadvantages of using stents and statins. Challenge Flightpath A): Explain in detail how the structure of the different parts of the human heart is related to their function and recognise the main structures of the heart when carrying out a heart dissection. Evaluate the use of stents and statins in treating problems with blood vessels.
Heart animations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA2DY0tjpFI – NHS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHMmtqKgs50 – 3D animation