CABO Presentation 2015-2016 FY End Rollover Presented by: PRis Cantu
FY16 Rollover Position Distribution MSS Transactions in Lieu of Position Funding Tool On Target – June 8th Testing Reports Communication
MSS Position Distribution Timeline June 2nd – Last Day to UAccess Financials account extensions before two step process begins June 8th – Position Distribution Available for FY16 Updates June 8th – FY16 Temp and Perm RBCs available for updating July 2nd – Last Day to approve MSS Position Distribution for pay period ending July 5th
FY End Rollover Schedule
2015-2016 FY End Rollover Schedule
2015-2016 FY End Rollover Schedule
2015-2016 FY End Rollover Schedule
2015-2016 FY End Rollover Schedule
2015-2016 FY End Rollover Schedule
2015-2016 FY End Rollover Schedule