SFC Shaun Canfield, US Army Leader Instructor LEADERSHIP SFC Shaun Canfield, US Army Leader Instructor
LEADERSHIP DEFINED Leadership is defined as influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. A Leader is anyone, who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility, inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals. Leaders motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking, and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization. How do we define leadership? The definition of leadership has not changed from the one found in FM 22-100. The new FM 6-22 presents leadership as a process. Leadership is influencing people by providing purpose, directing, and motivating while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. For example, a motor sergeant takes the time to explain to requirement to the mechanics. He later ensures that vehicles roll out on time and are combat ready. After checking all tools are repaired, cleaned, accounted for and properly stowed away, the motor sergeant conducts an after action review. Leadership is a process where you can learn and improve in your leadership abilities. This FM also offers a definition for the Army leader that addresses the new reality of leading in a multi-component, joint, and multi-national environment. The concept of motivating people outside the chain of command is the main departure from previous doctrine. “Train to Lead!”
What Roles Will the Leader Play? Humanitarian Team Leader Trainer & Mentor Team Building
Leadership Requirements Model DO KNOW BE The left hand side of the model shows that leaders today must have character, presence, and intellect. The Army values are the starting point for building character. Under each of these areas are specific attributes that leaders should possess. On the right side of the model are the core leader competencies. They are what a leader does, the actions he or she takes. These are how a leader accomplishes his mission by leading, developing, and achieving/getting results. “Train to Lead!”
“Train to Lead!”
CHARACTERISTICS Intellect Presence “Train to Lead!”
A LEADER WITH INTELLECT Agility Judgment Innovation Interpersonal tact Leader intellect is what you know and think. How you act or what you do in a situation depends on your mind. What you’ve learned ahead of time and what you are thinking will drive your actions. Mental agility is important in military leadership because great militaries adapt to fight the enemy, not the plan. Agile leaders stay ahead of changing environments and incomplete planning to preempt problems. Judgment goes hand in hand with agility. Good judgment enables the leader to form sound opinions and to make sensible decisions and reliable guesses. Leaders acquire experience through trial and error and by watching the experiences of others. Innovation describes the Army leader’s ability to introduce something new for the first time when needed or an opportunity exists. Innovation can sometimes come from subordinates, and good leaders are smart enough to listen to good ideas from others. Interpersonal tact is the understanding and interacting with others through self-awareness, self-control, balance, and stability. “Train to Lead!”
A LEADER WITH PRESENCE Professional Bearing Confidence Resilience “Train to Lead!”
ADAPTABILITY Learn to adapt by adapting Anticipation Seek challenges “Train to Lead!”
LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP Direct Organizational Face to face or first-line leadership Indirect leadership through overall projected mission or guidance Direct level leaders usually supervise from a handful to dozens of subordinates. Organizational leaders influence several hundred to several thousand people. They have staffs to help them lead their people and manage their organizations’ resources. Strategic level leaders, military and Army civilian, are responsible for large organizations and influence several thousand to hundreds of thousands of people. There are roughly 600 authorized military and civilian positions classified as strategic leaders.
RESPONSIBILITY LEVELS Organizational Supervisors Direct Line Supervisors Clients Support Organizations Peers Boss Level External Influence There are several groups within the Army. Some exist within the chain of command. Others don’t and leaders must use their influence to lead these groups. As a leader you should understand the similarities and differences of these groups and the roles they play as a part of the Army team. Commissioned officers are essential to the Army’s organization—to command units, establish policy, and manage resources--while balancing risks and caring for their people. Only commissioned officers are entrusted with command. Warrant officers are self-aware and adaptive technical experts, combat leaders, trainers, and advisors. They often offer leadership in the form of their technical knowledge, advising commanders and others on what will and will not work. They support a wide range of missions throughout their careers. Non-commissioned officers (NCOs) lead Soldiers in the daily operations of the Army. Soldiers look to their NCOs for answers, for solutions, for guidance, and for inspiration. Soldiers can relate to NCOs since NCOs are promoted from the junior enlisted ranks. They expect them to be the buffer, filtering information from the commissioned officers and providing them with the day-to-day guidance to get the job done. Army civilians are an integral part of the Army team and are members of the executive branch of the federal government. They fill positions in staff and sustaining base operations that would otherwise have to be filled by military personnel. No different than their uniformed counterparts, Army civilians are committed to selfless service in the performance of their duties. Joint and multinational forces are often embedded in Army teams and task forces. While not part of the chain of command, leaders must learn to integrate them into their teams and respect their traditions and policies. Finally, defense contractors are called on more and more often to fill gaps in manpower. Leaders must understand the regulations governing contractors and learn to lead through influence techniques and fiscal oversight. “Train to Lead!”
ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP An organizational leader must guide his/her subordinates to fulfill responsibilities. They must convey to the direct leaders under him/her the intent and manage resources and personnel to achieve the proper levels of care. Whether they fight for key terrain in combat or work to achieve readiness in peacetime training, organizational leaders must be able to translate complex concepts into understandable operational and tactical plans and decisive action. Organizational leaders develop the programs and plans, and synchronize the appropriate systems allowing Soldiers in small units to turn tactical and operational models into action. They use the knowledge and skills acquired at the direct level and then shift them to a broader perspective in terms of scope, near and far term objectives, consequences, etc. Through leadership by example, a wide range of knowledge, and the application of leader competencies, organizational leaders build teams of teams with discipline, cohesion, trust, and proficiency. They focus their organizations down to the lowest level on the mission ahead by disseminating a clear intent, sound operational concepts, and a systematic approach to execution. Owner Office Manager “Train to Lead!”
DIRECT LEADERSHIP Direct leaders provide one on one guidance and direction. They interact at the lowest levels. Direct level leader positions would include: Head/ Lead Technician Peer to Peer Direct level leadership is where subordinates are accustomed to seeing their leaders all the time: teams and squads, sections and platoons, companies and batteries. A direct leader’s span of influence can range from a handful to a several hundred people. NCOs are in direct leadership positions more often than officers and Army civilians and are crucial in the day-to-day development and care of Soldiers. “Train to Lead!”
INFLUENCES ON LEADERSHIP Stress in Emergency Stress in Training Fear Adaptability “Train to Lead!”
LEADER TEAMS Teambuilding Leader teams Shared leadership “Train to Lead!”
Teambuilding General Team Building Team Building for Deployments BACK TO SLIDE
QUESTIONS “Train to Lead!” Course developers: Cynthia K. Patton at cynthia.k.patton@us.army.mil Dave Black at dave.black@us.army.mil “Train to Lead!”