VOLCEX 12/01 AIRCRAFT OPERATOR REPORT Carlo Verelst, Manager Infrastructure Europe VOLCEX 12/01 DEBRIEF, CAA NORWAY, BODO, MAY 31 – JUNE 1, 2012
2 GOOD TO KNOW This report has been created from findings by the AOCCC (Aircraft Operator Crisis Coordination Cell) consisting of 4 carriers (scheduled, leisure, cargo, and business) present in the NMOC during the exercise. Information from reports by external AO participants sent directly to the exercise leader has not been included in this report. At least 73 AOs from 4 different continents representing all major types of operation registered for the exercise (according the exercise directive).
3 EXERCISE POSITIVES Opportunity to test internal AO contingency plans. EACCC was activated and SRA approach was promoted (Maghreb countries). AOCCC was activated and operational in the NMOC. AIREPS were used. Possibility to re-route with AOCCC help. Availability of EVITA to assist with re-routings. Eurocontrol coordination.
4 EXERCISE AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT Simulation of AIREP communications through ACCs. Readiness of final exercise directive. Practical AO information in exercise directive. Ash dispersion taking into account AO training needs. Participation from states and ANSPs during operational teleconferences (pro-activity). Read-write access to EVITA for external AO participants.
5 AO RECOMMENDATIONS 1. SRA methodology to be transparent for both European and non-European AOs (e.g. FAA approach accepted by European states ?). 2. Repositories of AO SRAs and state intentions needed for planning purposes. 3. EVITA to receive priority for appropriate technical/ operational support. 4. Eurocontrol to lead future exercises to further improve communications/coordination. Eurocontrol needs to rehearse its role as leader in a real-time event.