Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the UMD Counseling Center but were afraid to ask.............
Where is the Counseling Center? Right above Admissions More or less between the auditorium and LARTS There is a big sign on the building but somehow it’s invisible. Something to do with confidentiality?
When is the Counseling Center open? We’re open 8 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday. Appointments at 5 pm can be had by special arrangement (good for upper level nursing students and art students who are frequently off campus all day.)
How can I make an appointment? Just call 508 999 8650 and negotiate a time with one of the secretaries. Students in crisis can be seen without a scheduled appointment during our walk-in hours, which are 10 – noon and 1-3 pm.
Tell me about your staff... 6 full-time senior clinicians, all with doctorates in psychology 3 part-time psychology interns, all working on doctorates and 1 masters intern. 1 part-time psychiatrist and 1 part-time clinical nurse specialist - able to prescribe medications 2 full-time secretaries
Anything else about staff? All of them are specialists in helping college students be successful and happy. Also- we think it’s important to find a therapist who is a good fit for you. Therefore, we make it easy for students to see a different therapist. Just ask. We don’t get offended.
And your services...... Individual short-term counseling Group counseling Medication ADD/ADHD assessment Assistance with Medical Leaves Consultation (about papers, projects, how to help a friend or get a friend into services) Workshops (by request)
What does this cost? There is no out-of-pocket expense to students. We do bill your health insurance, if appropriate. (Depression is a medical condition; a problem with your roommate is not. We can help you with either but only bill your insurance for one.) There is no co-pay b/c the health fee you pay covers that.
What kind of students use the Counseling Center The best answer to this is... the brighter ones. Every year, some college counseling center does a study to see if receiving counseling services improves gpa’s. The answer is always yes, but not by that much, b/c the gpa’s of students who seek counseling are, on average, higher than those who do not. In other words, bright people take advantage of all the resources available to them. And a resource available to college students is easily accessible counseling.
Is there another answer to the question of what kind of student uses the Counseling Center? There are record numbers of students coming to college who have pre-existing mental health conditions – depression, bi-polar disorder, ADD, anxiety, or autism. There is much better early identification and intervention for these conditions. Consequently, students with these conditions are doing better in high school and getting admitted to college. They do well in college, but do need a little extra support. We make a strong effort to communicate with these incoming students and their parents about getting counseling services in place before classes start in Sept.
Why do students come to the Counseling Center? All kinds of reasons – A desire for better family relationships, to improve relationships with friends or boyfriend or girlfriend To do better academically To treat depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc To learn how to reduce and manage stress To learn self-management skills, be happier, communicate better, to set and meet personal goals
Are counseling services confidential? Our services are confidential. Our records are kept separate from all other university records. We do not release information about students we see without their written permission unless there are life-threatening circumstances involved or abuse of children, an elderly person, or a disabled person.
Anything else I need to know? Bring your health insurance card and student ID to your first appointment so the secretary can make a copy of both. Come a few minutes early for your first appointment so you can enter your information into our electronic medical record.
Can RA’s use your services? Many RA’s use our services. We’re a safe place to deal with the stress of your job and personal concerns. RA’s also work with us on programming. We’re happy to do workshops for your residents. Just give us a little advance notice. We’ve done programs on stress management, relaxation training, communication skills, and interpreting your dreams. We’re open to working with you on other topics. Just ask.
How do I get a resident to come to Counseling? Present the idea positively. Remember, even the best athletes in the world work with a coach. Counselors can be considered life coaches or happiness coaches. We help you figure out what you want and how to make it happen. We help you learn the communication and self-management skills you need to meet your goals and to develop great relationships. Offer to come with them and help them make the appointment.