WG on Forestry statistics, 26 October 2016 Agenda point 6 WG on Forestry statistics, 26 October 2016 Agenda point 6.1 Draft final report on the work of the Task Force reviewing IEEAF Marilise Wolf-Crowther, Eurostat E2
Introduction The draft was circulated to the members of the Task Force in September Final comments were incorporated We present this draft to the WG for adoption The current questionnaire is in Annex 1 (separate document) The pilot questionnaire is in Annex 2 (separate document)
Aims of the Task Force Simplify IEEAF tables to encourage reporting & improve completeness Avoid losing essential environmental and economic information Physical data on timber and woody biomass production for EU policies (renewable energy; bio-economy) Monetary data as expert input to national accounts Modernise tables (ESA 2010, CPA 2015, SEEA-CF 2012, SEEA Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries)
How did the Task Force work? Four meetings between NOV 2013 and MAR 2016 Pilot study in 2015 as input for the final meeting Discussions within the TF & with national accounts: Scope & definitions of the asset accounts for wooded land and timber Asset accounts to be coherent with the production account for timber, the characteristic product of forestry & logging
Questions had to be answered first What timber-producing area? How to define the corresponding wooded land? How to define cultivation or management of wooded land? Are monetary asset accounts for wooded land needed? How to be ambitious concerning the scope, without data being available right now?
Answers given by the Task Force Timber-producing area = all relevant areas, incl. Short-rotation forestry (SRF) Agro-forestry (incl. cork trees) Short-rotation coppices (SRC) Definitions of wooded land = FAO (forest, other wooded land, other land with tree cover) Cultivation or management of wooded land = land available for wood supply (FAO) Monetary asset accounts for wooded land = difficult, but needed for national accounts
Some answers found for SRF, agro-forestry, and SRC: To assume the 3 are mainly on "Other land with tree cover", for practical reasons: No possibility of distinguishing them if within forest areas, hence covered by national forest inventory (NFI) Some countries cover SRF and agro-forestry in their NFI, while others exclude them if they are done on agricultural land SRC are usually not covered in NFIs, because the size of plots, structure of plots and type of harvesting is more typical of agriculture
Conclusions on the breakdown of wooded land (Tables A1 & A2)
Why it would be good to have agro-forestry separate from forestry production If the predominant activity is not the growing of timber or cork, but animal pasture or grain production Then indicators of value added of timber per area of FAWS would be low if included in "forest" IEEAF included the value of fattening livestock on agro-forestry land, but ESA 2010 excludes it The value of animals or grain produced should be subtracted from the output The employment on agro-forestry areas should be split up between agriculture and forestry
Forestry and logging value added per area of forest available for wood supply (EUR/ha)
Reconciliation between opening and closing stocks of wooded land (Table A1)
Reconciliation between the opening and closing stocks of timber (Table A2) With all of the timber felled and not removed still in the stocks, for simplification
Economic accounts for forestry and logging (Table B1) This table (former Table 3c) was also reviewed and simplified Should be coherent with the asset account for timber grown on wooded land The labour input of self-employed persons was added because it is needed for national accounts
Output of the forestry and logging industry by type and sector (Table B2) Strongly simplified compared with the pilot study!
Monetary supply and use (Table B3) The rows were reduced to a single product
Physical supply and use (Table C1) More detail was kept because of its usefulness for material flow accounting
Physical supply and use (Table C1)
Conclusions The goals of the review process were achieved, but efforts are required to estimate timber and woody biomass growing outside of forests Five core tables were defined In each table, the main data requested is shaded and the rest is voluntary Ecosystem services of forests have not yet been added, e.g. Pollution removal Water protection Carbon sequestration per annum and total carbon storage We hope that these values can be added at a later stage
Thank you for your attention!