United Nations Security Council’s Emergency Session Welcome to the United Nations Security Council’s Emergency Session about what to do about the Conflict in Syria
WHO IS IN THE SECURITY COUNCIL: 5 Permanent Members US UK Russia China France These 5 members have veto power on all resolutions. 10 Visiting Members that rotate every 2 years
General Instructions: Discussion: After you are shown a possible solution to the crisis, you are to discuss your country’s view on the solution and react to other nation’s positions. (Remember that you are to defend the stated position of the country you were given, even if you personally do not agree with its stance!) Speaking: Raise your placard, you will be added to a list; once you are called on by the chair, you will have 45 seconds to stand up and speak. Voting: Once the chair decides it is time to vote on the solution, you will vote either yay or nay, or abstain from the vote (if all of the Big 5 vote yes, and there is a majority, then the resolution is passed).
Draft Resolution #1 It is proposed that economic sanctions be imposed upon all nations that are found to be involved in the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria.
Draft Resolution #2: It is proposed that the UN create safe-zones in northern Syria that will have protected airspace from Syrian and Russian jets, and will act as neutral territory for thousands of Syrians who are fleeing the conflict.