Optimization of a Mixed-Model Assembly Sequencing Problem Enrique M. Alameda-Basora- Undergraduate Research Assistant Ge Guo- Graduate Assistant Dr. Sarah Ryan- Faculty Mentor
Research Motivation and Objectives 1st model addressing unknown part availability Help production schedulers make sequencing decisions X Zhao, JHY Yeung & J XIE (2006) Sequence-to-customer goal with stochastic demands for a mixed-model assembly line, International Journal of Production Research, 44:24, 5279-5305, DOI: 10.1080/00207540600597195
Model Assumptions
Model Formulation
Model Formulation
Model Formulation
Model Formulation
Model Formulation
Model Implementation PuLP is a library for python Syntax is simple and intuitive Focuses on linear and mixed-integer models
Constructing a Simple Test Case
Future Research & Conclusion Construct and test a multi-stage stochastic programming formulation Incorporate model into online dashboards Results show model is feasible and ready for the stochastic elements to be included