Fig. 4. Expression of THBS2 in human PanIN tissue and PDAC tumor tissue. Expression of THBS2 in human PanIN tissue and PDAC tumor tissue. (A and B) Representative THBS2 immunohistochemistry analysis of incidental PanIN1/2 tissue derived from the head and neck of a pancreas from a patient with pancreatic periampullary cancer using two different antibodies (Ab). The arrows indicate that PanIN2 tissue stained positive for THBS2; dotted arrows indicate weak or negative staining of PanIN1 tissue. (C to K) THBS2 expression, designated by arrows, was also confirmed in stage II (C to E) and stage III (F to K) PDAC pancreatic cancer tissue arrays. Competitive assays were performed for antibody #2 by preincubating the antibody with a 10-fold excess of antigen peptide (E, H, and K) to confirm target specificity. Brown color indicates THBS2 staining, and blue color indicates hematoxylin nuclear staining. THBS2 was detected in the epithelial cells of noninvasive lesions (PanINs and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms) and poorly differentiated PDAC tissue as well as in fibroblasts in invasive PDAC tissue (see table S8 and fig. S6). Jungsun Kim et al., Sci Transl Med 2017;9:eaah5583 Published by AAAS