What is the SES Pre-K Program? It is a hands on learning curriculum to prepare children for kindergarten.
Class times A.M. Class AM: 8:15 - 11:00 PM: 12:40 - 3:25 P.M. Class If you arrive for Pre-K between 8:00-8:15 you must accompany your child to the pre-k hallway to a teacher for supervision until class begins. Pre-K outside classroom doors open for the AM class at 8:15 a.m. when class starts. Doors close for the morning class and attendance is taken at 8:15 a.m.. P.M. Class Pre-k outside classroom doors open for the PM class at 12:40 p.m. when class starts. Doors close for the afternoon class and attendance taken at 12:45. You must go to the office and sign your child in if arriving after these times. Class times AM: 8:15 - 11:00 PM: 12:40 - 3:25
ARRIVAL Only front doors are open to all at 8:00 am Your child must be handed to a Pre-k adult. Any Pre-k kids who arrive before 8:15 will be supervised in the Pre-k hallway. Outside classroom doors open at 8:15 / 12:40.
Car Arrival & Departure Procedures Pre-K parents are not allowed to use the yellow painted pick-up area. ARRIVAL: You must park in the parking lot and walk your child to one of the specified doors. Please do not drop your child off at the curb. DEPARTURE: You must park in the parking lot and wait at your child’s outside classroom door at 11:00 / 3:25.
Children should be responsible for their own backpacks Your child’s backpack is his/her responsibility. Please no pull handles or wheels. Please do not allow toys, food, gum, etc to come to school with your child. Please teach your child where to keep it at home and to be certain their “purple folder” is in it each day, so it is not forgotten or lost. This is the first step to teaching your child responsibility for their school belongings, and for developing organizational skills that will last them a lifetime.
The purple folder should be in your child’s backpack daily and will be used to pass notes/information to & from school. Please check purple folders daily. It is necessary that we receive written notice or a phone call if your child’s transportation changes, otherwise, we will send your child home the way they usually go home.
SPARE CLOTHES LABEL EVERYTHING: In a labeled ziploc bag, include shirt, pants, underwear and socks. Please remember to change their clothes seasonally. If your child is not yet potty trained, please talk with your child’s teacher. LABEL EVERYTHING: Including your child’s backpack, umbrella, sweaters, jackets, caps & mittens. This will ensure your child’s favorite things are not lost.
Parent Involvement Parents are asked to assist in the classroom at least once a month. Please turn your cell phones off and enjoy spending time with your child in his/her educational environment. On your volunteer day, you are asked to: (We provide the snacks at school) Help serve snack & help in other areas in the classroom during center time. Facilitate a 15 minute small group of children working at the puzzle and listening center Occasionally donate an item such as: 5oz Dixie cups, plastic spoons, paper plates, napkins or coffee filters. Due to the possibility of food allergies, our Pre-K hallway is a nut-free zone . As you are helping in the classroom please keep in mind you must make confidentiality a high priority.
VISITOR SIGN IN On your designated day to be a parent volunteer, and when you visit class, please be sure to sign in at the office. You will be given a visitor badge to be worn in the building. Remember to sign out in the office when leaving.
PARENT/CHILD DAYS Tentatively, we have Parent Child days scheduled for the school year. (October, January, March & April). These may be in the classroom or at a specified location off school grounds. A parent must accompany their child to this event. It is not a regular school day, however attendance will be taken that day. Buses will not be running for Pre-k students on these days. AM & PM classes will attend together for each event planned. Each event will be planned in the morning hours as teachers screen Pre-K children in the afternoon hours.
CLASS FIELD TRIPS One Field Trip in May Zoo, Grant’s Farm, Science Center, etc. Must be accompanied by a parent Attendance will be taken that day
DRESS APPROPRIATELY APPROPRIATE SHOES We go outside when the temperature or wind chill is at least 32 degrees or above and when it is hot. Please see the school handbook for appropriate dress code. APPROPRIATE SHOES Your child should wear shoes appropriate for climbing and running. Flip flops are against school policy and crocs are not safe for climbing and running. We are encouraging independence among your children, so please send them in clothes and shoes that they can manage themselves.
PHYSICAL FORM Physical forms must be in the nurse’s office by the first day of school.
WHEN YOUR CHILD IS SICK: School policy states your child must stay home if he/she has a fever of 100 or more, vomiting or diarrhea during the past 24 hrs., or any contagious condition such as pink eye, chicken pox, etc. Your child may return to school when they are fever free for 24 hours or more without medication. Any medication your child needs must be given directly to the school nurse.
SPEECH, PHYSICAL & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIES: If your child has an IEP (Individual Education Plan) with speech, physical, or occupational therapies recommended, they will begin shortly during class time. For physical and occupational therapies, please send a note in your child’s purple folder with your child’s doctor’s name and phone number. This is needed so the therapists can be certain proper paperwork is in place. This is mandatory for physical and occupational therapy to begin.
At this time, we are asking for the following supplies in Mrs At this time, we are asking for the following supplies in Mrs. Black’s class: AM Class: *Washable markers (thick ones) *Elmer’s glue sticks *5 oz. dixie cups PM Class: *Ziplock bags (any size) *Box of Tissues *Plastic spoons
WHEN SENDING $ TO SCHOOL: For any reason, please put your money in an envelope with your child’s name, teacher’s name, & item being purchased on the outside. Sandy Beach Mrs. Black's Pre-K Class
COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HOME AND SCHOOL IS VERY IMPORTANT: A volunteer calendar will come home at the end of each month. Weekly newsletters will be sent home through email. Email is the preferred method of contact, we check email several times a day. Teachers are most frequently available for phone calls between 3:30 – 3:50 pm. If you have a time sensitive issue (such as a change in your child’s regular transportation routine), please call the office.
PARENT/TEACHER PARTNERSHIP Today we begin a partnership for educating your precious child. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. We seek to come alongside you and support you. We ask that you would also support us as we introduce your child to learning in a school setting. As we guide your child, the communication between home and school is of the utmost importance. Please take every opportunity to be involved in your child’s educational experience.
Wednesday is Meet & Greet *Please bring your child to see their classroom and meet their teacher. *A.M students attend from 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. *P.M. students attend from 9:45-10:45 *No buses will run for pre-k Thursday: *1st day of school * Buses will run
Questions/Concerns: We realize that you may still have questions and concerns. Please write them down and we will try to address them individually. Thank you!!