Lifestyle and Wellness Services
GM Digital wellness hub “My City” GM Health & social care content PSR content Early help Employment & skills Economic growth Staying active Social movements Champions Personal finance Mental wellbeing Sexual health Work & Health Health checks LTCs Tobacco Drugs & Alcohol Nutrition Carers Housing GM Digital wellness hub Advice, tools, Apps Community forums Local groups and events Volunteering Local business offers Borderless directory Asset mapping Members Citizens Frontline staff (neighbourhood workers, VCSE, police, fire, housing officers, community & primary care workers) Outputs & outcomes Data Insight User personas Behaviour change Health improvement Community building Gateway to Tier 2 and 3 health improvement services Apply My City Salford to GM. Huge opportunity to serve broader agenda than Population Health. Links health to wider social determinants and puts residents and communities at heart of change. Inputs Content from community Content from localities and links back Content from GM Automated directory refresh
Food, Nutrition & Healthy Weight
Food, nutrition and healthy weight Food system focus Develop transformative vision Agree mechanisms for change Create a strategic plan to achieve it Identify resources, capacity and skills Create GM leadership structure Inspire commitment and buy-in
Cancer Champions
Cancer Champions
Our movement Harness Connect Support Motivate Engage To catalyse and connect a grassroots, citizen-led social movement for cancer prevention by working through the voluntary sector Connect Support Motivate Our definition of the social movement- what we want to achieve What it isn’t Formal volunteer programme Engage Reduce Inequalities Build Relationships
Progress and Impact Workshops 20 Social movement champions Expert reference group Extensive network Digital platform Case studies Progress 20 social movement champions recruited to lead work on growing a social movement. 1808 cancer champions recruited (July 2017). 5000 target by August 2017. 20 workshops held with GM voluntary sector cancer groups to co-design the social movement Over 150 individuals engaged from over 75 organisations including grassroots groups, charities, voluntary sector leaders and system leaders. Five expert reference group meetings held with 12 cancer charities and cancer champion leaders to draw on expertise, assess progress, build connections and shape and steer the development of the work Using the insight work from other Vanguard projects as a stimulus for discussion and action. Mapping of training and learning resources and opportunities for champions including discussion of maximising digital technology options and opportunities. Case studies for publicity material developed to support recruitment and programme development. Specialist provider working to enable the social movement programme to embed digital approaches as part of the citizen-led campaigning activity for cancer prevention Training Insight sharing Call to action development
Key discussion points for workshops Where may it link to existing VCSE provision? What are the potential opportunities for the VCSE and the assets it can bring to help deliver and land this with communities? How can the VCSE support further development of the project?