September 2005 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Resource Allocation and Admission Control in Distributed MAC for Mesh WPAN] Date Submitted: [16 September, 2005] Source: [Young Ae Jeon, Seung Hyong Rhee, Byung Joo Lee, Sang Sung Choi] Company [Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute / Kwangwoon University] Address [161 Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, 305-700, Korea] Voice:[+82-2-943-7607], FAX: [+82-2-943-7607], E-Mail:[] Re: [Call for Proposal: IEEE P802.15-5/0071] Abstract: [This document suggests to adopt a distributed mechanism that achieves a fair resource allocation and admission control in the distributed MAC protocols which are designed for WPAN mesh networking. It also provides a distributed means for service differentiation.] Purpose: [Providing technical contributions to IEEE 802.15 TG5] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
September 2005 Resource Allocation & Admission Control in Distributed MAC for Mesh WPAN September 2005 ETRI/KWU Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Motivation No piconet controller in a distributed mesh WPAN September 2005 Motivation No piconet controller in a distributed mesh WPAN We still need Fair resource allocation Decentralized admission control Service differentiation How can we achieve them in a distributed manner? Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Considering Multimedia & Mobile Devices… September 2005 Considering Multimedia & Mobile Devices… Mesh WPANs will include mobile devices The devices may join and leave a piconet frequently It makes the resource allocation and admission control harder Multimedia traffic Usually has a minimum bandwidth requirement Sometimes has a maximum requirement They still need Fair allocations Differentiated services Our proposal is designed based on the MPA MAC However, the mechanism can be used for any distributed MAC Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Review: Distributed Reservation Protocol (DRP) September 2005 Review: Distributed Reservation Protocol (DRP) Devices announce desired transmissions Receiver & transmitter negotiate via beacon Beacons carry information on other devices’ reservations Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Distributed Resource Allocation: Superframe Structure September 2005 Distributed Resource Allocation: Superframe Structure DEV i reserves MAS (duration Ti) using DRP Max size of DTP in a superframe is C (μsec) Devices store neighborhood information Reserved MAS and their durations C beacon period reserved for DTP (data transmit period) CAP (inactive period) T1 T2 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Distributed Allocations September 2005 Distributed Allocations DEVs take turns to make reservations DEV i , at its turn, first compute Tothers = ∑j≠i Tj Then it reserves its channel time Ti such that, for 0 < α < 1, Ti = α (C – Tothers ) Computes T1 Computes T2 Computes Tn ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ T T T DEV1 beacon DEV2 beacon DEVn beacon beacon period Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: 2 Devices (1) DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.5 September 2005 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: 2 Devices (2) DTP length: 100 MAS DTP length: 100 MAS September 2005 Example: 2 Devices (2) DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.25 DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.75 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: 3 Devices (1) DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.5 September 2005 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: 3 Devices (2) DTP length: 100 MAS DTP length: 100 MAS September 2005 Example: 3 Devices (2) DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.25 DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.75 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Service Differentiation September 2005 Service Differentiation Service quality is differentiated by using different values of α : 0 < αi < 1 for DEV i αi is a real number that is determined such that Small values for lower classes Larger values for better services DEV i reserves its channel time Ti such that, for 0 < αi < 1, Ti = αi (C – Tothers ) Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: Service Differentiation September 2005 Example: Service Differentiation α1 = 0.5 α2 = 0.66 α1 = 0.5 α2 = 0.75 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Guaranteeing Minimum Requirements September 2005 Guaranteeing Minimum Requirements DEV i has an interval Si = [mi , Mi] , where mi : Min requirement for the channel time Mi : Max requirement for the channel time DEV i reserves its channel time Ti such that mi ≤ Ti ≤ Mi Ti = max { mi , αi (C – Tothers ) } The bounds may or may not exist mi : system parameter based on traffic types or QoS Mi : set by each DEV Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: Minimum Requirements (1) September 2005 Example: Minimum Requirements (1) DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.5 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: Minimum Requirements (2) September 2005 Example: Minimum Requirements (2) DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.5 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Guaranteed Convergence September 2005 Guaranteed Convergence All devices converge to their equilibrium values, regardless of Number of devices The values of αi Min/max requirements [mi , Mi] The problem can be mathematically modeled using a system of optimization equations It can be proved that, using the model, They always converge They converge in a finite time Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Distributed Admission Control September 2005 Distributed Admission Control mi is included in the beacon for the self-admission control of a new-comer New DEV i joins the group if and only if mi + ∑j mj < C Computes T1 Computes T2 Computes Tn ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ T m T m T m DEV1 beacon DEV2 beacon DEVn beacon beacon period Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Join/Leave of DEVs DEVs dynamically join and leave the group September 2005 Join/Leave of DEVs DEVs dynamically join and leave the group Number of devices is not a constant anymore Tothers and ∑j mj need to be dynamically managed Each device updates its neighborhood table Dynamically reflects the devices’ join and leave MAS reservation varies accordingly Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: Join/Leave of DEVs September 2005 Example: Join/Leave of DEVs Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
September 2005 Two Piconets Join The intermediate (relay) device reserves a channel time that is common in both piconets Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: Piconet’s Join September 2005 Example: Piconet’s Join Piconet 1 Piconet 2 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Mesh WPAN Neighborhood table informs about occupied slots in DTP September 2005 Mesh WPAN Neighborhood table informs about occupied slots in DTP Beacon carry information on neighbor’s neighbor Each device computes its fair share based on Others’ reservations whose are within 2-hop distance Its minimum requirement and priority Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Example: Mesh WPAN DTP length: 100 MAS α = 0.5 September 2005 Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>
Conclusions Distributed resource allocation mechanism for mesh WPAN September 2005 Conclusions Distributed resource allocation mechanism for mesh WPAN Fair allocation without PNC Decentralized admission control Service differentiation Future work includes Further details on syntax and semantics of the protocol Mathematical modeling and analysis More exhaustive simulations Reducing the convergence time Jeon, Rhee, Lee, and Choi <ETRI/KWU>