Presented By: Brian Wampler, Past Treasurer Kentucky State PTA Treasurer Budget
Budgeting A budget shows a plan for how your PTA will raise money and spend money to implement the PTA mission. A budget does not dictate what your PTA must do. It simply represents what your PTA intends to do.
Developing a Budget Consider your PTA’s goals and the resources needed to achieve your planned activities.
Study the previous year’s budget and treasurer’s report to determine how well that budget met your PTA’s needs
Determine your PTA’s projected financial needs, taking into consideration the funds needed for the approved programs, fundraising events, and leadership development. Determine how funds will be raised to meet these requirements.
Develop a one-year budget that shows existing funds, as well as projected funds raised and anticipated expenditure or receipts for the year’s activities. Expenditures should equal receipts.
Present the draft budget for approval to the PTA board or executive committee. Incorporate feedback and then present the draft budget to the PTA membership during a general meeting where a quorum is determined to be present. A majority vote of the members present and voting is required for adoption.
Possible Income Items Membership Dues Fundraiser
Possible Expenses Membership Fundraiser PTA Insurance
Emergency Reserve This fund is intended to serve as a means to retain financial stability in the event of an unforeseen circumstance such as an unplanned expense arising form a project or unexpected increase in inflation.
Restricted Funds The IRS has strict rules on restricted funds. When money is raised for a specific purpose the money must be spent on that purpose. It does not matter if it is one year, five years or twent— five years from now.
Excess Funds/Carryover Funds Every PTA should try to leave sufficient funds for leadership training for new board members, startup expenses for the new school year, etc. Funds not spent in one budget year should be included in the new budget.
Amending the Budget The budget is only an estimate of the planned expenditures for the year. When there are additional expenses or a change in an allocated expenditure, the budget may need to be amended by a vote of the association at any regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose.
BUDGET- July 1st, 2018 to June 30th, 2019 INCOME ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCE 1 Fundraiser $0.00 2 Membership 3 Yearbook Sales 4 5 2018-2019 INCOME 2017-2018BANK BALANCE FORWARD TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE EXPENSES Bonding Insurance Chairpersons & Officers Conferences/Meeting/Trainings Contingency Fund Hospitality 6 Membership DUES (National/State & District) 7 Membership Incentives 8 Membership DUES (District) 9 Programs (Kentucky Kids Day, Red Ribbon Week, Reflections) 10 Start-Up 2019-2020 12 Teacher/Staff Appreciation 13 Ways & Means 14 Yearbook 15 TOTAL EXPENSES NET FUNDS AVAILABLE NET FUNDS EXPENDED NET FUNDS REMAINING Treasurer's Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Date Approved by PTA Board: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date Adopted by Association: ____________________________________________________________________________