Education Cluster A response to education in emergencies Co-Coordinators John Ekaju (UNICEF) Colin Alfred (Save the Children) September 5, 2012 Kabul
The cluster's current 3Ws
Education cluster's current Needs mapping Community mobilisation to make schools safer for children – Responding to attacks and incidents on schools, personnel and education facilities. Enhance an understanding of the scope of School poisoning and their impact on schools. Large numbers of out of school children, and aged children due to the complex emergency.
Education cluster's current (existing) indicators S.O. 1: Plan for and respond to the humanitarian aid and protection needs arising from armed conflict, particularly: Number of children reached Number of school reached S.O. 2: Protection and initial return assistance to IDP and refugee returnees. Number of IDP and refugee school aged children and youth reached S.O. 3: Prepare for and respond to the protection and humanitarian needs arising from annual and seasonal natural „disasters‟ and advocacy for progress on implementation of Hyogo Framework Priorities 1-4. Number of natural disaster school aged children and youth reached Number of contingency plans developed and updated S.O. 4: Advocate protection support and appropriate development interventions to acutely vulnerable populations targeted by the MDGs, whether in rural or urban areas. Number of chronically vulnerable girls and boys, women and men, including those in informal and urban settlements that have access to formal and informal education