HUMAN RESOURCES WORKING GROUP MEETINGS September - Lisbon November - Brussels SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
HUMAN RESOURCES WORKING GROUP ISSUES DISCUSSED Performance assessment «The impact of individual assessment systems in the organizational objectives» Competence management «HR Management based on competences – general trends in European Public Administrations» Mid Term Programme Closing the new MTP 2008-2009 EUPAN Network Structures and methods of co-operation
HUMAN RESOURCES WORKING GROUP PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Topics The effects of the application of performance assessment systems in the individual performance The effects of the application of performance assessment systems in the accomplishment of objectives of the organization The role of managers as assessing officers and the performance assessment of managers Methodology Study – EIPA and Vienna University Questionnaire and workshop – EIPA and Vienna University National cases – Latvia and Portugal
HUMAN RESOURCES WORKING GROUP COMPETENCE MANAGEMENT Topics The meaning of «competence management» in the context of Public Administration The linkage between HR ageing and the enhancement of competence management – developing new organizational strategies Methodology Study - ISCTE Questionnaire - ISCTE Practical cases - CGD
MID TERM PROGRAMME MINISTERS RESOLUTION Main priorities for future work- EUPAN OBJECTIVES Enhancing the efficiency of public management Demands of citizens and private businesses Strategic management in public administration Quality level and efficiency in public administration Promoting project-related and team oriented forms of work- enhancing communication within the PA Transparency, ethics, integrity, and confidence building in the public service Use of information and communication technologies Changes and reforms—new challenges Mobility between PA of EU Members States
Main priorities for future work- EUPAN Demographic change and ageing MID TERM PROGRAMME MINISTERS RESOLUTION Main priorities for future work- EUPAN OBJECTIVES Demographic change and ageing Ensuring efficient and effective organization Pension systems Public services taking into account a changed age structure of the population T raining , integrations and promotion to guarantee equal opportunities for entry into public services Promoting flexibility taking account of changing of personnel structures in the public service Work conditions and improving health management in PA The attractiveness of public service as an employer
TOPICS / ACTIVITIES TO DEVELOP BY HRWG MID TERM PROGRAMME HR PRIORITIES WORKING AREAS TOPICS / ACTIVITIES TO DEVELOP BY HRWG Public Service Image Promoting trust, competitiveness, transparency and staff motivation in PA Strategic Management Improving leaders skills of senior staff as well as gender-oriented assignments to management positions Promoting mobility in public administration in EU Change management Reward system Vision of public service Sustainability of pensions systems
HRWG –CO-OPERATION AREAS AREAS OF CO-OPERATION HRWG OUTPUTS CITZENS /CUSTOMER ORIENTATION Exchange of experiences using the information for organizational proposals so to improve best practices for customer satisfaction in: - Quality of public services - Transparency, trust and Ethics QUALITY AND IMAGE OF PUBIC SERVICE Sharing practices for improving members states profit with new methods of competitiveness and productivity in PA, analyzing the results of implemented training/motivation/job satisfaction projects. DEMOGRAFIC CHANGES To cross a knowledge linkage to develop new practices in areas like: diversity, employers image, migration, ageing and mobility. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Sharing practices concentring as future priorities for a successful public administration management with productivity, better working conditions and motivation passing by: - Promoting mobility in P.A in EU; - Sustainability pension systems; - Change management; - Improving leadership skills of senior staff as well as gender- oriented assignments to managements positions.
WORKING GROUPS CONTRIBUTIONS FOR LISBON STRATEGY LISBON TARGETS PROJECTS/CONTRIBUTIONS EUPAN- COMMON PRIORITY AREAS HRWG: Strategic Management & Leadership; Efficiency of Public Administration; Recruitment – impact of demographic change; Reward Systems E-Government: European User Satisfaction Indices; Efficiency of public administration; ICT Licence for Administrative Staff; Professionalisation of ICT Staff. IPSG: National Lisbon Programs benchmarking; Collection of service needs. DEBR: Methodology for measuring “administrative burdens” - quality; Quality of new national “Lisbon regulations”; Evaluation of different models in Public-private dimensions According to the summary table presented in final report of ad hoc group, approved during the Luxembourg Presidency
The EU Ministers Responsible for Public Administration, at their 13th meeting on 22 June 2007, in Berlin, invited the “Directors-General to review the structures and methods of cooperation between the working groups” The Directors General responsible for Public Administrations, in their 48th meeting, in Berlin, on the Resolution on Human Resources Working Group, agreed to “review the added value of the network of national Contact Points closely associated with the group”
EUPAN NETWORK - PROPOSAL - Directors-General HRWG IPSG E-Government NCP CAF DISPA DEBR DG Troika Troika Secretariat
EUPAN MISSION - PROPOSAL - CONSIDERING: NETWORK STRUCTURE OBJECTIVES OF EACH GROUP To develop an informal forum of discussion, exchange of views, experiences and good practices among EU Member States, accession and candidate countries and the European Commission, in the field of public administration, recurring to new tools and activities in order to improve the quality of public services
Network of National Contact Points Forum of discussion and sharing of experiences on the questions of mobility, constituted by experts of the regulations and/or legislation concerning mobility in the Public Administrations of each Member State . The access to NCP has been clearly limited to the Public Administrations of the Member States, excluding always the direct access of the citizens, taking into account that otherwise it should be necessary to provide the NCP with a permanent administrative structure that has not been foreseen
Network of National Contact Points Tasks Exchange of experience and mutual information in the questions of mobility Providing information in all basic issues concerning the exchange of public servants and their secondment Providing information on place and form of publications, including use of Internet Referral of the requesting administrations to the national, regional and local points in charge of personnel matters Providing information on existing EU-wide exchange programmes and bilateral agreements Endowing assistance to other administrations involved in case of detachments
Network of National Contact Points Looking Back Start Up Meeting - Dec/2002 – Danish Presidency Meeting hosted by Austria - March 2004 – Irish Presidency Conference organized by the German Delegation in cooperation with the Dutch Presidency - (30/Sept. and 01/Oct. 2004) Meeting - April 2005 – Luxembourg Presidency Questionnaires on the Implementation : Greek Presidency (May 2003) Italian Presidency (October 2003) Irish Presidency (February 2004)
Network of National Contact Points Confronting the developed activities with the objectives of the Network, it is possible to consider that the Network is not fulfilling, completely, the tasks for which it was settled Evaluation of the Network of National Contact Points Collect the opinion of the HRWG by – discussion during the HRWG meetings Brief questionnaire to HRWG members NCP questionnaire – gather opinions and suggestions regarding the functioning of the Network
Co-operation between the Working Groups - PROPOSALS - Co-operation An effective connection among EUPAN Working Groups in order to achieve common targets by using specific and agreed methods On-line Meetings Participation of WG’s Chairs in all the other WG meetings Common organisation of seminars and workshops Creation of Learning Groups New working methods
Co-operation between the Working Groups Working methods Specific goals Level of co-operation E-mail exchange To exchange information between the WGs Information1 To ask questions/suggestions in order to collect different views or ideas about specific subjects Consultation2 On-line Meeting[1] Information To collect different views or ideas about specific subjects Consultation To Ask/answer questions related to a specific project or subject Collaboration3 To develop a common project Integration4 Participation of WG’s Chairs in other WG meetings To contribute with knowledge/experience of a different WG to the work developed in another WG Collaboration Common organisation of seminars and workshops To work together when the subject is common. Integration Creation of Learning Groups To work together in a common project [1] Possible on CIRCA website.
Learning Groups Proposals The setting up of a LG has a volunteer basis The setting up should have a minimum composition The settled LG should be free to choose the way of working, specifically its coordination The settled LG should have its own working plan (e.g. subject, range, methods, results to be achieved and schedule) The settled LG should be free to select the most appropriate communication means to exchange information
Learning Groups Advantages To allow the Member States that have different needs/interests and expectations regarding the activities of the Group can develop specific slopes of an issue; different approaches or related projects could widen the scope of each issue and increase the effectiveness of the outputs achieved by the Groups The Member States needs/interests and expectations would be lined up with the Group/Network activity To encourage the sharing of practices and experiences (the LG nature should be practical, not academic) between the EUPAN working groups enhancing co-operation and knowledge sharing
EUPAN Handbook - PROPOSAL - What is a «Handbook»? Concise manual or reference book providing specific information or instructions Why a Handbook? Lack of coordination and co-operation between the WGs Lack of knowledge management in the Network Need to integrate the new EU Member States Need of basic organisational and proceeding guidelines What are the objectives of the Handbook? To work as an information bank for new individuals joining the network and its meetings To promote information sharing and horizontal co-ordination and co-operation inside the network as well as strengthening the effectiveness of the co-operation in the EUPAN network To share a common vision of knowledge management inside the network To promote good practice and continuous development of working methods To provide information of the network to outside co-operative and interested partners. What should the Handbook include? General information about the network (definition, structure, role of the different actors…) Organisational Guidelines (meetings, documents, working languages, representatives, observers…) Knowledge sharing Visibility of the network (Circa, EUPAN website)
HUMAN RESOURCES WORKING GROUP Next Steps – 2nd HRWG Meeting Presentation of the preliminary results of the Performance Assessment study carried out by EIPA Presentation of the preliminary results of the Competence Management study carried out by ISCTE MTP Draft – Final discussion EUPAN Handbook Draft – Final Discussion Slovenian Presidency
MTP 2008-2009 – HRWG Priorities – Working areas PUBLIC SERVICE IMAGE TOPICS ACTIVITIES TO BE DEVELOPED BY HRWG GOALS PROMOTING TRUST, COMPETITIVENESS,TRANSPARENCY, QUALITY VISION OF PUBLIC SERVICE Identify new methods of competitiveness and productivity in PA Study research and shared practices to promote the quality level of public services: externally in a citizens /customer perspective internally in the forms and work conditions of staff, analyzing the results of implemented training, motivation, job satisfaction projects... To result an output for the different Public Administrations of member states contributing to: A friendly administration for the citizens as beneficiaries of the public service Increasing the competitiveness of the public sector and the quality and efficiency of services Organize the ministries and the structures working for simplified services to the citizens as clients Measuring central government administration efficiency and effectiveness
MTP 2008-2009 – HRWG Priorities – Working areas II. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TOPICS ACTIVITIES TO BE DEVELOPED BY HRWG GOALS CHANGE MANAGEMENT REWARD SYSTEM IMPROVING LEADERS OR MANAGERIAL SKILLS OR LEADERSHIP SKILLS SUSTAINABILITY OF PENSIONS SYSTEMS POSITIONS Identify the keys of successful public administration management and the future challenges needs, considering: The mobility between P.A in EU and PA and the private sector Talent and competences development Reward systems including measure factors of motivation and achieved objectives Strategic vision of efficient measures and effective method to develop a productive P.A management Leadership skills of senior staff as well as gender-oriented assignments to managements positions, involving: ageing development and motivation. Sustainability of pension systems Sharing practices centring on the achieved outputs to contribute: To define how the managers could motivate and reward their staff including ageing development and motivation To define and implement (strategy) objectives and measuring the way we reach those objectives Identify the efficiency of the measures and the effective method to increase productivity, develop competences and leadership and the use of ICT
Thank you for your attention mafalda.santos@dgaep.gov.pt