ESF in Poland Multi-level governance Paweł Chorąży ESF Management Department Director Ministry of Regional Development 11th May 2011 Multilevel governace
HC OP characteristics The largest Europe-wide ESF Programme in the 2007-2013 programming period Covers all ESF scope of assistance 13% of total ESF budget (the total HC OP budget amounts almost to EUR 11.5 bln – including over EUR 9 bln from ESF)
HC OP 41 interacting authority structures involved in the implementation process National level Regional level 5 Priorities 40% of ESF funds 4 Priorities 60% of ESF funds developing policies and proposing new solutions under systemic HC OP projects implementation solutions developed at the national level, adjusting national policies to the regional labour market needs „mirror” structure of Prorities – policies linked both to national and regional authorities projects may be developed by many kinds of entities: labour market institutions, training institutions, public administration units, enterprises, NGOs, educational institutions, higher schools etc.
Multi-level governance in HC OP Levels of HC OP implementation National level Government Programming support under national HC OP Priorities (designing policies at the national level) Regional level Voivodship Programming support under regional HC OP Priorities (designing policies at the regional level) Local level Commune/County Implementing projects in line with the policies designed at the regional and/or national level
Multi-level governance in HC OP multi-level governance is a method to reconcile different interests of actors situated at different territorial levels and involved in the process of support programming decentralised project selection procedure multi-level monitoring system multi-level co-financing mechanism – engaging either national budget or regional and local budgets Multi-level management – overall number of HC OP engaged staff: ab. 4100 employees – 700 at central level (ministries and govermental agencies, 3400 at regional level (marshal offices and labour offices
HC OP support programming MA/EC MA/IBs IBs PRIORITIES LEVEL (HC OP) MEASURES AND SUB-MEASURES LEVEL (DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PRIORITIES) ANNUAL ACTION PLANS LEVEL setting forth: HC OP general provisions, general financial and indicators’ tables HC OP complimentary – technical provisions, implementation system, disaggregation of indicators base and future volumes, division of alocation to regional envelopes information on specific calls for porposals and projects, annual indicators and finanacial tabels for each IBs
Project selection under HC OP Projects selected in accordance with project selection criteria: General (valid for the whole HC OP) Specific (set anually by each IB in Action Plans; subject to Monitoring Sub-committees opinion and Monitoring Committee approval) Multi-level appealing procedure: 1st instance – call for proposal announcing institution 2nd instance – IB or MA 3rd instance – two-level judiciary system (voivoidship administrative courts and Supreme Administrative Court)
HC OP monitoring system Monitoring Committee at the national level and 16 Monitoring Sub-committees at the regional level Monitoring Committee analysing and monitoring the implementation process recommending the changes in the HC OP submitting proposals for the improvement of the HC OP to the ESF MA approving the annual reports and recommending periodical reports 16 Monitoring Sub-committees systematic control of the progress of the defined objectives analysing the results of the implementation of the Priorities in the region analysing and accepting the project selection criteria recommending reports
HC OP monitoring system (2) Chair Monitoring Committee Members Sub-commitee Members Regional and Local Stakeholders Source: Małgorzata Gnyś-Wysocka,
HC OP monitoring system (3) SUB-COMMITTEES MONITORING COMMITTEE report + monthly information report report BENEFICIARY 2nd level IB IB MANAGING AUTHORITY CA EC payment claim report + monthly information report + monthly information report + monthly information EC report
HC OP monitoring system (4) MANAGING AUTHORITY MC AND SMCs INTERMEDIATE BODIES WORKING GROUPS Within Monitoring Committee (MC) within Sub-monitoring Committees (SMCs) groups for Intermediate Bodies organised by the Managing Authority WORKING GROUPS SOLVING PROBLEMS CHANGES
HC OP projects Almost 25 500 projects being implemented at the moment Beneficiaries operate at different levels (local, regional, national) Top ten Beneficiaries’ categories: Communes (6500 projects) Associations and social organisations (3800 projects) Micro-enterprises (3250 projects) Counties (2500 projects) Schools and education entities (2000 projects) Foundations (1700 projects) Small enterprises (1600 projects) Large enterprises (600 projects) Voivodships (500 projects) Self-government communities (400 projects)
Example no. 1 Regional Employment Observatories NATIONAL DIMENSION (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) Defining general direction of employment policy Defining demand for skills and jobs at local and regional level and fine-tuning regional employment policy REGIONAL DIMENSION (Voivodship Labour Office) LOCAL DIMENSION (County Labour Offices) Implementation
Example no. 2 Individualized teaching and education in primary schools Managing Authority (MA) defining guidelines Ministry of National Education defining curriculums NATIONAL DIMENSION Intermediate Bodies (IB)/ 2nd Level Intermediate Bodies (IB2) project selection and assessment REGIONAL DIMENSION Education Superintendent Offices supporting project implementation information and publicity Authorities running schools and establishments implementation LOCAL DIMENSION Primary schools and educational establishments implementation
Example no. 3 Local grassroots initiatives ESF operation which is initiated and implemented at the very basic level LOCAL DIMENSION REGIONAL DIMENSION NATIONAL DIMENSION LOCAL COMMUNITY INTERMEDIATE BODY MANAGING AUTHORITY project idea i.e. in education area and implementation call for proposal and project selection procedure financing and monitoring