Characteristics of Living Things Living VS. Non-Living Science - 2014 What is Life? Characteristics of Living Things Living VS. Non-Living
What does it mean to be a living thing? In order for something to be living, it must:
...Are Composed of Cells Cells are the basic components of all living things. Some organisms are single celled, like bacteria, or multi-celled, like humans. This is a single-celled organism called an amoeba.
…use energy Living organisms require energy. They use this energy to carry out energy-requiring activities such as metabolism and locomotion.
…grow & develop This means more than just getting larger in size. Living organisms also have the ability to rebuild and repair themselves when injured.
…respond to their environment. All living things respond to stimuli in their environment. Stimuli is something causing or regarded as causing a response.
…reproduce Living things make more of their own kind.
Every organism needs water to keep living and growing. …Need Water Every organism needs water to keep living and growing.
Metabolism The cells of living things produce waste. Every organism has a way to give off wastes.
If something has1 or 2 of these traits, is it alive? If something follows one or just a few of the rules listed above, it does not necessarily mean that it is living. To be considered alive, an object must exhibit all of the characteristics of living things. Sugar crystals growing on the bottom of a syrup container is a good example of a nonliving object that displays at least one criteria for living organisms.
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? NON-LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? NON-LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? Silk NON-LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? NON-LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? NON-LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? NON-LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? Bacteria LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? Paramecium LIVING!
Living or Non-Living? Virus Non-LIVING!