Vocab #6
ab/abs from; away; off
cosm ornament; order
qui(t) quiet; rest
geo earth
trans movement through, across, or beyond
prefix: pro - for; in favor of
having the characteristics of suffix: -ic having the characteristics of
Vocab #6
ab/abs from; away; off
abbreviate to shorten; make brief
absent not present
abdicate to give up formally (a throne, etc.)
abduct to lead away by force; kidnap
abhor to turn away from; loathe; shudder at
ablution the act of washing away; often in a rite
abnormal away from the normal
other words containing ab/abs -abstract -absolute -abstinence
cosm ornament; order
cosmos the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system
cosmetology the work of a beautician
cosmopolitan worldly; at home all over the world
qui(t) quiet; rest
acquit to relieve from a charge of fault or crime; declare not guilty “If the glove don’t fit You must acquit.”
tranquil peaceful; quiet; calm
acquiesce to accept, comply, or submit passively
Requiem the Mass celebrated for the repose of the souls of the dead; any musical service, hymn, or dirge for the repose of the dead.
geo earth
geography the science dealing with the earth’s surface, continents, climates, plants, animals, etc.
geology the study of the earth
trans movement through, across, or beyond
transmit to send or forward, as to a recipient or destination; dispatch; convey
transmit to pass on
transatlantic crossing the Atlantic
transfer to move from one place to another
Transcendentalism an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the scientific and is knowable through intuition.
transport to carry, move, or convey from one place to another
prefix: pro - for; in favor of
proactive produce profess promote propel proceed procure prolong proclaim
having the characteristics of suffix: -ic having the characteristics of
terrific prolific materialistic ironic democratic horrific melodic sarcastic hypnotic optimistic fantastic