Heroin By Hailey Brey
What is heroin? Highly addictive Illegal drug Made from the resin of poppy plants.
Popular street names Big H horse smack thunder nose drops
Facts first developed in 1937 by German scientists who were searching for a surgical painkiller. Heroin was exported to US and given the name “Dolophine” in 1947. Heroin can be vaporized (smoked), sniffed (snorted), or injected depending on the user.
continued.. because of you using heroin daily, maybe even more than once a day, you become addicted which leads to wanting it more and more. You may end up selling every valuable thing you have just to get money for the drugs you “need”.
What does heroin look like? fine white powder often found to be rose gray, brown, or black in color coloring comes from additives which have been used to dilute it, which can include sugar, caffeine, and other substances.
International statistics 9.2 million use heroin in 2007, 93% of the worlds supply came from afghanistan
Effects of heroin you start thinking its your friend and thats its taking away the pain, but really its just you getting addicted to the substance and you soon begin to only think about drugs.
Immediate harm surge of sensation ; “a rush” warm feeling of the skin, dry mouth sometimes it can lead to vomiting or severe itching
Short-term effects “rush” slowed breathing clouded mental functioning nausea and vomiting drowsiness coma or death hypothermia (body temp lower than normal)
Long term effects bad breathe constipation cold sweats itching coma insomnia menstrual disturbance in women