Technology for Success!
Session Outcomes Know where to find and how to select resources to support your high school student. Know how to stay connected with LHS. Understand how to prevent cyberbullying. Know how and when to report cyber bullying. Understand the BYOD policy.
What Technology is Available Microsoft 365- One Note- OneDrive Databases and ebooks on Destiny CCPS approved Web 2.0 tools School Wi-Fi (filtered) Built in features of personal devices
Office 365 –OneNote- OneDrive Accounts for all students- email for within CCPS only. Office 2016 for 5 personal devices Find more info at
Advantages of 365- OneDrive- OneNote Files Available at home and school Content Sharing Automatic Saving Unlimited Space No more forgotten items!
Databases and Ebooks Link off of Liberty Homepage- Media or Usernames and Passwords- Stickers in agenda book
Where to Start? Students should know the CCPS tools- familiarize yourself with them and how to access them. Know your device and how it works. Know policies and passwords. Remember devices are intended for instructional use.
BYOD Students are permitted to bring their own technology to school. Includes phones, tablets and computers Use in the classroom is for instructional purposes and is at the discretion of the teacher. Students are permitted to use the school guest network.
Some Points to Ponder Know the resources the school provides Know Students strengths and weaknesses Read the reviews and Terms of Use Know what Apps your student is using and monitor- have discussions!
Staying Connected School Messenger (formerly Alert Now) Twitter @CCPS_LibertyHS LHS WebPage
Digital Citizenship Be Involved in Your Teen’s Technology Use Know what they are doing online Have discussions about privacy and expectations Model good technology manners
Apps that can be used for Cyberbullying Kik YikYak Group Me Whisper Twitter Instagram Facebook SnapChat Sarahah Visco Viber
What to do if your child is Cyberbullied? Attempt to capture screen shots, time stamps, evidence Report School Administrators Police
ScreenAgers Movie October 3rd 6:00 pm Winters Mill $5.00 Kids are free