Formal Geometry Ms. ramilo Welcome Back! Formal Geometry Ms. ramilo
Find a seat! Choose wisely. There will be a sign in sheet coming around & a seating chart. Write your name on the correct spot.
All about YOU! Depending on each box Draw a picture Create a list Use a Key Word You have 10 minutes!
Share with a partner! Any fun interesting facts about your partner?
Why did you choose this class? Write the number one reason why you are here in this class?
Self | Peer | teacher/counselor Future | School | Other Share with your group! Help each other to categorize why you chose to be in this class. Self | Peer | teacher/counselor Future | School | Other
Self Peers Teacher/Counselor Future School Other
I will do this without hesitation Where do I sit? I will do this without hesitation
Yourself Classmates respect Classroom Teacher School
Formal Geometry syllabus
Formal Geometry
Homework! (35%) Homework will be given (almost) every night & checked the next morning) After every section To receive full credit you must SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK. Late homework will lose 25% Late work will not be accepted once the Unit Test is taken
Course Content Basics of GEOMETRY Proof Logic Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles Trigonometry And more!
Textbook Three choices It will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to do homework! Take a textbook home Use an e-book (if you have a computer and internet at home) Take photos of the homework pages. It will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to do homework! Books will be passed out tomorrow.
Expectations RESPECT! TRY! Be here, on time & prepared for class Be kind to all classmates, teachers, visitor, ideas & opinions. TRY! You have to try to be successful in this class. You never have to get it right the first time. Be here, on time & prepared for class Do your own work! If you are caught cheating or copying each other you will both receive an F for that assignment or quiz/test Concentrate, Create, & Collaborate
Contacting Ms. Ramilo Email: Google Voice Google Voice Only for emergencies (775) 525 – 1783 Always here after school until 3:30 (except Wednesdays) Contacting Ms. Ramilo
Tutoring or Extra Help HELP EACH OTHER!! There are 4 Formal Geometry classes in total (110 students). Find a buddy and work together. Ms. Ramilo is here after school until 3:30, or make an appointment Gear Up has free tutoring in the Career Center (Not sure what days)
Absent? Check with a classmate Check the website Make up any quiz or tests Turn in any homework as soon as you return
Materials! Optional: Compass Highlighters 1.5” – 2” three-ring binder Loose leaf paper At least 4 Dividers Warm Ups Notes Homework Tests & Quizzes Writing Utensil (Pen or Pencil) Optional: Compass Highlighters Coloring supplies (for notes)
May not go 10 minutes at the beginning or end of class. Restroom? May not go 10 minutes at the beginning or end of class. One at a time out.
Technology If you are not participating in the Cellphone Extra Credit… Your phone must be in your bag or faced down on your desk You can use your phone as a calculator or quick research You MAY NOT listen to music or watch videos NO SOCIAL MEDIA You will get one warning 2nd offense Ms. Ramilo will take your phone for the rest of the period. SAVE IT FOR PASSING, LUNCH, or AFTER SCHOOL.
Final Exam 20%
Quizzes 15% Grading Tests 30% Quizzes and Tests will be graded immediately. There will be no retakes for any of them. You will be allowed to immediately correct your quiz once to raise your grade. Tests will be allowed to be immediately corrected twice. Quizzes 15% Tests 30% Grading
Notes Homework Assignments Announcements Notes Homework Assignments Announcements
Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right - Henry ford