The Devil’s Creed “Thou believest that God is one; thou doest well: the demons also believe and shudder” (James 2:19).
1. I believe in the future torment and shudder, but I will to be 1. I believe in the future torment and shudder, but I will to be defiant toward God now (Matthew 8:29-34, Matthew 25:41) The Devil’s Creed “Thou believest that God is one; thou doest well: the demons also believe and shudder” (James 2:19).
The Devil’s Creed… 2. I believe in God the Father, but consider my word just as good as His (Gen. 3:1,4,5) Questions Contradicts Slanders
The Devil’s Creed… 3. I believe in Jesus Christ, but refuse to yield to His claims (Matt. 4:3, Mk. 1:24-28, Acts 19:15, John 8:42-44) They believed, but did not confess Him Loved the glory of men more than the glory of God (Jn. 12:42-43)
The Devil’s Creed… 4. I believe in the church, but I help to tear it down, not build it up (Eph. 3:10) Discouragement (2 Cor, 2:11) Hypocrisy (I Tim. 4:2) Division (Rom. 16:17-20) False Doctrines
The Devil’s Creed… 5. I believe in Heaven, but not doing anything to enter (Matt. 25:34-40, I Pet. 2:2, 2 Tim. 4:7-8, 18)