Lyndon H. Strough Middle School Believers, Respectful, Accountable, Valuable, and Encouraging
You probably have wondered… How different can middle school really be?
“How Different?” It might be much bigger, or Perhaps a different layout, or More than one floor, or Different teachers for every class, and certain classes will be every other day. Students will be assigned to teams. There are three teams at Strough. Each team has an English, Math, Social Studies and Science teacher.
You will go to a different classroom for each subject. “Different Classes” You will go to a different classroom for each subject. Learning where they are and remembering what time they start can be tricky at first. Don’t worry, you will learn your way around school.
Seventh Period (Lunch 3) Strough Bell Schedule Buses Unload 7:20 First Period 7:30 – 8:14 Second Period 8:18 – 8:57 Third Period 9:01 – 9:40 Fourth Period 9:44 – 10:23 Fifth Period (Lunch 1) 10:27 – 11:06 Sixth Period (Lunch 2) 11:10 – 11:49 Seventh Period (Lunch 3) 11:53 – 12:32 Eighth Period 12:36 – 1:15 Ninth Period 1:19 – 2:00 Dismissal 2:00
It’s your responsibility to learn what the rules are. “New Rules” It’s your responsibility to learn what the rules are. Read the student agenda and always refer back to it. If it still doesn’t answer your questions, it does not hurt to ask an adult for clarification!
Perhaps you have a school locker now. “Your Own Locker” Perhaps you have a school locker now. You will also have your own here, and it is your responsibility to keep it neat and tidy. Do not share your locker or combination with anyone else.
This is a part of your growing responsibility. “More Homework” This is a part of your growing responsibility. Most likely you will have more homework and classroom work than you do now. Make sure you ask your teacher for any missed work when you are absent.
Your Grades are Important! Eligibility Policy Students who are failing two or more subjects on progress reports or report cards are ineligible to take part in afterschool activities or clubs. Students can participate in clubs and activities if they attend the After-School Program.
You will have four minutes to get from one class to the next. “Busier Schedule” It is no joke, you will have a busier schedule! You will have four minutes to get from one class to the next. In that four minutes, you need to plan out when you will be able to go to your locker and get to the restroom. You may not be able to get to your locker every period, but perhaps every other, so plan accordingly.
“More Choices” You can take part in extra-curricular activities, such as: School Play Clubs: Technology, Art, Chess, Ski, Student Council, etc. Sports Listen to morning and afternoon announcements, as they give information as to clubs being offered. Some groups might go on field trips or do some community outreach.
Seats are not assigned. Sit with old friends, meet new friends Lunch Every student wonders, what about lunch? Well, what about lunch, it’s quite simple! At Strough, there are three lunch periods. They are during 5th, 6th & 7th periods. You might see an old friend, but more importantly, you should look forward to meeting many more! You can’t switch lunches just because your friend is in another one. Seats are not assigned. Sit with old friends, meet new friends Dodgeball is currently available for students before school.
Physical Education/P.E. We have a separate girls locker and boys locker changing areas. You must change into proper PE clothing. Not having your PE clothes will mean you are unprepared. Aside from changing, you must participate as well. Not doing one, or both, will affect your grade. Lockers will be assigned in PE class and your lock will stay on the gym locker.