The Rise of al-Qaeda EQ: Why did ISIS become a major global threat?
When did theTaliban form? Created during Russia/Afghanistan War 1979 Took control of Afghanistan 1994 Goal = Muslim Theocracy, “anti-modern”
1979 was during the Cold War, a time when the USA was a rival to the Soviet Union. The USA wanted to help Afghans fight the Soviets. The CIA sent stinger missiles to Afghans to shoot down Soviet helicopters.
Bin Laden in Afghanistan From a wealthy Saudi Arabian family, Osama bin Laden made lots of like- minded friends. -poisoned culturally (dress, alcohol, general way of life) Wants ISLAMIC STATE in Middle East “West, GET OUT!” West does not leave------------ >>>>>>>>>> Terrorism
Bin Laden moves to Sudan Bin Laden and his friends, feeling powerful, wanted to set up a base for future jihads. A jihad is a Muslim word for holy war, usually against Christians. He stays in Sudan about 5 years. Note: Most Muslims don’t feel that jihads are about car bombs and plane hijackings.
Desert Storm (Gulf War I) In 1990, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded the tiny, oil-rich Kuwait. Kuwait owed Iraq money, so Hussein wanted to secure Kuwaiti oil fields.
Operation Desert Storm The US imports oil from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. If Saddam Hussein wanted to, he could take his army into Saudi Arabia and seize their oil fields too. Iraqi tanks
Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein was a ruthless and brutal dictator. He used chemical weapons against Iran during the Iran Iraq war. Saddam also famously gassed the Kurdish population of Iraq living in Halabja as revenge for helping Iranians in 1988. He was a power hungry individual
Gassing the Kurds
A Reign of Terror: Mass Graves of Saddam’s Victims
US and Saudi coalition The US asked the Saudis for permission to allow military bases in there. The Saudis have a tough choice to make. Do they allow a Christian army into the holiest country of Islam? Can the Saudis themselves stop Saddam Hussein?
Saudi’s choice Osama bin Laden was back home from Afghanistan. He offered the Saudis the use of his soldiers to fight the Iraqi army because once America establishes a base, they won’t leave. Christian armies have no place in the land of Islam.
The Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)
Saudis chose the USA and snubbed bin Laden. Pres. George H.W. Bush liberates Kuwait and pushes the Iraqi army back into Iraq.
Allies March to Baghdad Iraqis soldiers surrender. Iraqis cheer Allied forces.
“Highway of Death”
400 Iraqi Oilfields on Fire An environmental disaster!
Bin Laden Osama bin Laden criticizes the Saudi gov’t. & they banish him; his family disowns him (officially). Bin Laden leaves Saudi Arabia for Sudan to further build al Qaeda.
What is al-Qaeda? “The Base” in Arabic Founded by Osama Bin Laden WEST has too much influence in Middle East (Israel) political and economical Goal= total collapse of US & “Western” Econ thus lose influence in Middle East
World Trade Center bombing 9-11 was not the first terrorist attack on the WTC. In 1993, a man rented a Ryder truck and detonated a large bomb in one of the towers hoping to knock it over onto the other tower.
1993 WTC bombing It killed 6 people and injured over 1000.
The Taliban Did Not Plan the 9/11 Attacks, But They Let Bin Laden Operate in Afghanistan and Refused to Turn Him Over to the US
Kenyan embassy bombings Two US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed simultaneously in 1998. 220 people were killed.
US attacks al Qaeda training camps in Sudan and Afghanistan with Tomahawk missiles. Camps were destroyed. Osama lives.
USS Cole attack Oct. 2000 In Yemen, Al Qaeda operatives sent a suicide bomber aboard a small ship near the USS Cole and detonated its bomb, blowing a large hole in the US Navy ship. 17 sailors killed.
September 11, 2001 Four airplanes were hijacked by terrorists. Two crashed into the 2 World Trade Center towers. One crashed into the Pentagon, the military building of the US armed forces. One crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, likely because passengers forced the plane down.
343 firefighters and paramedics were killed 2819 people were killed 343 firefighters and paramedics were killed Khalid Sheik Muhhamad was the central Planner of the 9/11. Most terrorists (at right) were from Saudi Arabia.
Firemen going up before towers collapsed.
Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania Its target was possibly the White House or Capitol building. We think the passengers forced the plane down.
Taliban Al Qaeda and the Taliban government of Afghanistan were virtually one and the same. After 911 Pres. George W. Bush sent a small force into Afghanistan to eliminate the government and destroy al Qaeda. Many criticize President Bush for taking troops out of Afghanistan to fight in Iraq.
War in Afghanistan Afghanistan is considered the good war. Returned the country to the Afghan people & elections were held.
War in Iraq The US believed that Saddam Hussein was hiding WMD’s in Iraq After long debate the US invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam WMD’s were never found Effort to create a democracy was underway.
Iraq But a civil war broke out in Iraq. The US would be involved in Iraq until the present day Out of this chaos, ISIS grew.
Questions during the video.. Who are 3 of the prominent leaders of ISIS? What is the background (experience) of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? Why did he create ISIS? Where did ISIS members come from? Why is ISIS so much more dangerous than previous groups? What are 4 mistakes the United States made with ISIS?