EDU 8350 Class #3 Some important ideas from Maxine Greene; Deadly dualisms; Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec
Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of recent approaches to knowledge. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, 20, 423-464. AERA. Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec
We need to examine • The ways the binary oppositions so prevalent in our talk, structure our thinking in foundational ways: Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of recent approaches to knowledge. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, 20, 423-464. AERA.
Deadly dualisms Mind Body Rational Emotional Male Female Adult Child White Black (of colour) Science Humanities/Arts Logic Imagination Theory Practice Normal Abnormal Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec
In addition to understanding how the binary oppositions so prevalent in our talk, structure our thinking in foundational ways . . . Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of recent approaches to knowledge. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, 20, 423-464. AERA.
We need to examine •The assumed neutrality of science; • The role of language in the construction of knowledge and identity • The habit of calling the familiar "natural" and the shared "normal"; Wrong answers: A catalyst for learning in children's collaborative reasoning about mathematics Barbara Graves University of Ottaw AERA, April 20, 1999 Montréal, Québec Greene, M. (1994). Epistemology and educational research: The influence of recent approaches to knowledge. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, 20, 423-464. AERA.