Involvement Forum – 4 December 2017 As a member of the community and voluntary sector, you are invited to the next meeting of the Newcastle Gateshead Involvement Forum. Date: Monday 4 December 2017 Time: 9.30am -12.30pm (registration from 9.15am) Venue: Bewicks B Suite, Gateshead Civic Centre, NE8 1HH. Louise Harlanderson from Gateshead Council will join us to introduce the ‘Making Every Contact Count’ project. We will also be joined by Joe Corrigan, the CCG Chief Finance and Operating Officer who will provide an overview of CCG funding and how we spend our money. Chris Piercy Executive Director of Nursing, Patient Safety and Quality will give an update on CCG workstreams. Please come along and take this opportunity to share your work on health related themes across Newcastle and Gateshead. Please register your place and any additional requirements by contacting or by calling 0191 217 2807. Please also share the details of the Forum with your networks.