SALVATION CHRISTIANITY- KS2 This presentation aims to introduce KS2 pupils to the concept of salvation in Christianity. Salvation is an idea shared by many religions, but this investigation looks at how Christians think about it. Christians understand themselves to be recued from their own sin by Jesus, whom they call the saviour.
Ask the pupils: What do you think is happening in these pictures Ask the pupils: What do you think is happening in these pictures? Who is being rescued? How are they being rescued? Help the pupils link the idea of rescue with a recent news item involving someone or something being saved.
Rescued! Think - pair - share: Tell each other of a time you have been rescued from something. What was it you were rescued from? How were you rescued? Connect the idea of salvation with the pupils’ understanding of being rescued by encouraging them to engage in this activity. Explain that Christians sometimes use the word ‘salvation’ in connection with being rescued. The word salvation is connected with the word ‘save’. It means being protected from harm or hurt. Someone who has been rescued has been ‘saved’ from disaster.
How do Christians believe Jesus rescues them? The Big Question How do Christians believe Jesus rescues them? Help the pupils see that the answer to this question is about the inner person. Ask the pupils: Do Christians believe that Jesus physically rescues them from situations? (There are diverse answers here – all are worth exploring.)
Christian beliefs about Jesus as a rescuer Jesus helped people to turn away from themselves towards God. Jesus saves people from destroying themselves. Ask the pupils to reflect quietly on these statements. After a little time of reflection, ask them, How do you think Christians believe they can be rescued from themselves? Help them to connect the experience of losing your temper and regretting it but next time overcoming the anger.
Freeze frame In groups of three show a freeze frame of someone being rescued. Guess: Who is being rescued? Who is rescuing? What are they being rescued from? In order to reinforce the understanding of being rescued, ask the pupils to work in groups of three on a drama scene where someone is being rescued. Ask them to ‘freeze frame’ the most important part of the action. Ask the class to observe each group’s freeze frame in turn and to offer suggestions as to who is being rescued, who is rescuing, and what they are being rescued from.
People Jesus met Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) Do you think Zacchaeus was being rescued in any way? Why? (and how?) Why not? Tell the story of Zacchaeus (or show an animated film clip) and encourage the pupils to role play it to make the story come alive. Then ask the questions. Can they identify what Jesus said or did that made the big difference in Zacchaeus’ life? What do they think was the turning point of the story?
Encourage the pupils to reflect on this picture and then to recall some Christian beliefs about Jesus. Can they link the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and the belief in resurrection with the idea of salvation? Ask: Why might the cross remind Christians of God’s salvation? Explain that Christians believe that death is not the end of the story and that people can be saved from death. How? Explain that that is the next part of their investigation.
How do Christians believe Jesus rescues them today? The Big Question How do Christians believe Jesus rescues them today? Encourage the pupils to give as many answers as they can to this question. From here, they could conduct a survey of local Christians from different denominations to see if they give similar or different answers. To extend this further, arrange a visit to a local church or cathedral to look for signs and symbols of salvation.