International Legal Research Anne Burnett Foreign and International Law Librarian & Gabriel Wilner Associate Dean International and Graduate Legal Studies
Course Requirements 6 exercises x 10pts each = 60 pts 1 final exercise x 140 pts = 140 pts some extra credit opportunities
What are we talking about in this course? Public International Law Foreign Law Comparative Law Private International Law
Course Objectives develop efficient strategies for tackling foreign & int’l legal research projects learn about the structure and documentation of int’l, supranational & regional organizations increase understanding of foreign legal systems evaluate & use print & electronic resources for foreign & int’l legal research
The Most Basic of the Basics online library catalogs periodical indexes other relevant databases available to you
author/title search
butler Russia* Butler items
(international or transnational) and business Read!
Too many hits try narrower search or look at some relevant records and use their subject headings
Worldcat: searches the holdings of 55,000+ libraries from around the world
Interlibrary Loan expect a wait not all libraries will loan all things go through Law Library for everything
political science quarterly
political science quarterly
Periodical Indexes
Organization and American States
Use Advanced Search to build a Boolean query veloz Use Advanced Search to build a Boolean query
Check GAVEL to see if Law Library has the journal! If the "Search GAVEL" function doesn't find the journal title, doublecheck by doing a title search in GAVEL
Temple international and
Index to Legal Periodicals (ILP) paper and electronic paper not cumulative search by author, subject, case, statute
paper ILP
malaysia copyright
The Find It @ UGA button only searches for the journal in GIL, not in GAVEL, so do a title search in GAVEL to determine if we have the journal.
Other Databases Available to You Law Library’s Research Resources page GALILEO databases
Law Library’s Research Resources