Smart Cookies – Early Recognition Order Log on to Hover over the Recognitions tab and click on Create Recognition Order
Creating the Early Recognition Order Either two choices to start creating the Recognition Order: Click the circle “Select by Filter”- Choose the District, Service Unit, Troop, and Plan Type from their dropdown menus Click the circle “Enter Troop Number” – Enter the specific Troop number and then select what Plan Type from the dropdown menu Click “Create Order” button on the far right to begin the order Click “Cancel” to delete and start over.
Reviewing the Girls Early Recognition Items The Recognition Order lists at the top Troop number How many girls are registered in the Troop How many girls are selling in the Troop Total amount of packages sold to the Girls thus far Avg PGA Registered Girls Avg PGA Selling Girls The names of the girls listed in blue means their order status has already been reviewed by the volunteer The names of the girls listed in red means their order status needs to be reviewed by the volunteer. To do that: Click on the individual girls name in red and verify their order OR click on the Review button at the bottom of the order and it will review all girls at once Her name will be listed above the Recognition range that she has earned thus far Depending on the chosen recognition plan, the item(s) in the Recognition Range needs to be reviewed and selected Once all names have been reviewed, click Save and Exit to complete the review or click Cancel to exit out of the review process.
Completed Early Recognition Order Once the Early Recognition Order has been saved, the Manage Recognition Order screen appears. The Recognition Order provides the following information: Troop number District ( if applicable) Service Unit Recognition Order Type Order Date Order Number Status – either Red “R” for needing Review, Black “R” for already Reviewed Pencil Icon for editing the order Trash can for deleting the order Order can be exported into a spreadsheet Order can be filtered to show certain columns Search field box for specific data chosen
This concludes the PowerPoint on How to Enter an Early Recognition Order. If more information is needed, please contact your Service Unit Cookie Chair or Council member.