LOS DÍAS DE LA SEMANA – Origen Days of the Week - Origin
L U N E S LUNES: from the Latín "lunae diez” = day of the moon luna = moon Some cultures use lunar months as a way to determine calendar. Some consider moon as having affect on human behavior. First day of week for Spanish speakers.
M A R T E S From Latin “martis dies“ = day of Mars Mars – god of war Ares – Greek versión Martial Arts Planet Mars
M I É R C O L ES MIÉRCOLES: from Latin "mercuri dies" = Mercury day God of business and travel Greek versión = Hermes Planet Mercury
J U E V E S JUEVES: from Latín "jovis dies“ = Jupiter’s day Greek version = Zeus. God of sky, light, atmosphere. Planet Jupiter.
V I E R N E S VIERNES: Latin "veneris dies“ = Venus day. Greek version is Aphrodite Goddess of love and fertility Planet Venus
S Á B A D O SÁBADO: Hebrew for “sabbath" = “rest” Hebrew roots For Jews and residents of Israel = last day of week
D O M I N G O DOMINGO: from Latín "dominicus dies“ = day of Lord Christian roots Lord means “master of house, ruler” Like the English words “dominate”, “dominion”, “domain” related to ruling Last day of week for Spanish speakers (day of rest)