The types of cases heard by federal courts Objective 5.4 The types of cases heard by federal courts
Cases come to the courts in two very different styles: criminal civil
A style of case that we would call Civil …is one in which someone ripped off someone else.
civil …is person v. person
A style of case that we would call CRIMINAL …is one in which someone broke a law.
…is government v. person CRIMINAL …is government v. person
Remember, the two styles of cases are... criminal civil
We also know that there are two levels of government: Federal (example: U.S.) State (example: Virginia)
because there are two separate levels of government there must be two completely separate court systems
…one court system for the federal government... U.S.A. one court system for a state’s government. Virginia
Today we look at the federal level of government... and identify the types of criminal and civil cases federal courts hear.
The right to hear a case is called... jurisdiction
Courts do not have jurisdiction over everything; they only have jurisdiction where the Constitution allows it.
the authority to hear and decide a case in a court of law. define: jurisdiction the authority to hear and decide a case in a court of law.
In what situation does a federal court have jurisdiction?
The federal government has jurisdiction in cases involving… Constitutional questions
If you feel one of your rights has been violated… you have the right for a federal court to hear your case.
If you feel your freedom of speech has been violated… you have the right for a federal court to hear your case.
Linda Brown thought her right to an education had been violated… Therefore she took her complaint to court. Brown v. Board of Education
The federal government has jurisdiction in cases involving… federal laws
you have the right for a federal court to hear your case. If you are accused of a federal crime (kidnapping, tax evasion, bank robbery)… you have the right for a federal court to hear your case.
The federal government has jurisdiction in cases about… disputes involving the federal government
you have the right for a federal court to hear your case. If you feel the federal government has failed to live up to a contract with you, then… you have the right for a federal court to hear your case.
The federal government has jurisdiction in cases involving… disputes between states
If two states argue over which has the right to own something… they have the right for a federal court to hear their case.
Problems that occurred during of building of the Lake Gaston pipe line between NC and VA were solved in Federal Court.
The federal government has jurisdiction in cases involving… citizens of different states.
If you rip off a person in another state… that person has the right for a federal court to hear their case.
The federal government has jurisdiction in cases involving… a dispute with a foreign government.
If you, or your company, feel another country is ripping you off… you have the right for a federal court to hear your case.
The federal government has jurisdiction in cases involving… diplomats serving in the United States.
you have the right for a federal court to hear your case. If you are serving as a diplomat to the U.S. and you are accused of violating a U.S. law… you have the right for a federal court to hear your case.
The federal government has jurisdiction in cases involving… admiralty and maritime laws.
If you are involved in an accident or crime related to the high seas… you have the right for a federal court to hear your case.
In most of these cases, the have… federal courts exclusive jurisdiction.
Exclusive jurisdiction means that… ONLY a federal court may hear the case.
In some cases, the federal courts and state courts have… concurrent jurisdiction.
Concurrent jurisdiction occurs when… the crime violates both state and federal law.
Concurrent jurisdiction also occurs when… an individual appeals a conviction on Constitutional grounds.
the case and appeals are heard in state courts and In this type of appeal… the case and appeals are heard in state courts and moved upward through federal courts.