Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006


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Presentation transcript:

Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information Jean Poulit, President Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Good afternoon. First, I would like to thank the organisation for the kind invitation to participate in this Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics. It is an important opportunity for EUROGI to update our current activities and to present recent structural changes in the organisation, likely to influence its role in the coming years. Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information OVERVIEW Introduction Profile Vision and Mission Objectives WAG: Working & Advisory Groups Activities Membership Opportunities Final Remarks Starting with a brief Introduction, which consists of some basic information, a few formal details and updates on EUROGI, the presentation will focus on characterizing its Profile. The explanation of the EUROGI’s Objectives will be preceded by a reference to its Vision and Mission as those are fundamental tools to clearly understand the reason of an organisation to exist. Closely related with the Objectives is the current structure of WAG: Working and Advisory Groups as the main way for EUROGI to perform its work and pursuit approved actions within each yearly Workplan. Some Activities for 2006, taken from the long and comprehensive set of actions EUROGI is working in, are then highlighted and presented in the next section. The recent change in the statutes of EUROGI, which represent a major step towards fulfilling its mission and a challenge to the future, brings some structural changes, specifically in what concerns to the Membership. Finally, some Opportunities for participation offered by EUROGI are highlighted, concluding with a few Final Remarks on its positioning and role. Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information INTRODUCTION Founded in 1993 by an EC initiative Established as a Foundation under Dutch law Core membership by national representation Other organisations admitted (Pan European) 22 members Collectively representing more than 6500 public and private sector organisations Secretariat recently moved to Lisboa, PT President, Jean Poulit Secretary General, João Geirinhas Executive Committee composed of 9 members Recommendations of GINIE project EUROGI was founded in 1993 by an EC initiative, after a report that clearly stated the need for such an organisation to help build GI European capacity within the context of multiple and diverse country based policies, which imply strong constraints to an European integrated approach, most of them still existing today. It was established as a a Foundation under Dutch law, and having a core membership structure based on unique national representation by National GI Associations. Although other types of organisations, such as Pan European, were admitted, the basic structure and strength was and still is based on the referred national representation, leading to a current total of 22 members coming mostly from Western and Central Europe. Acting through National GI Associations, EUROGI collectively represents more than six thousand five hundred public and private organisations. The Secretariat which have been hosted by the Dutch Kadaster of the Netherlands has, since the beginning of 2006, officially moved to Lisboa, being hosted at the Portuguese Geographic Institute in Portugal. EUROGI is chaired by the President, Jean Poulit, and managed by the Secretary General, recently appointed João Geirinhas, having an Executive Committee of up to nine members responsible for the strategy and work. EUROGI clearly performs most of the recommendations of the GINIE project in what concerns to the role and representation of an umbrella and advisory organisation to Europe. Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information PROFILE European wide User centric networking Independent non governmental NGIA: National Geographic Information Associations Open to the participation of all European GI stakeholders Capacity builder and Awareness raiser Enhancer of NGIA development Policy oriented High level lobbyer for GI multidisciplinary use GI Market development & Data sharing Lisbon Strategy European foreign cooperation EUROGI has been an European wide organisation of National GI associations from EU, accession-countries, EFTA and Pan European organisations. It is a user centric and networking organisation, admitting now many different types of entities within the new membership structure which will be presented later. This positioning allows EUROGI to act the European voice for GI matters, role that is reinforced by being an independent and non governmental organisation. It is currently based on membership of National GI Associations but recently opened to the participation of all European GI stakeholders. Briefly, EUROGI is a capacity builder at all levels from European to regional and national, through conducting specific initiatives on relevant issues, and a awareness raiser, both in domains where GI is not yet understood within its full potential or in regions where there is a need to create demand. Particularly it is an enhancer of National GI Associations development in countries where they do not exist. EUROGI is mainly policy oriented, rather than specifically technological, being focused on the legal, financial, technical and organisational issues of GI, bringing them to the level of decision making. EUROGI is a high level lobbyer for GI multidisciplinary use, aiming to contribute for GI market development and data sharing, committed with pursuing the Lisbon strategy on competitiveness. Finally, EUROGI is an active participant in the international arena, both in terms of cooperation and of monitoring new trends for GI usage. Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information VISION AND MISSION Vision: GI with all its aspects should become a fully integrated component of the European knowledge-based society Mission: to maximise the availability and effective use of GI in Europe for good governance, economic and social development, and informed public participation; it stimulates, encourages and supports the development and use of GI and technology and acts as the voice for the European GI community EUROGI’s vision is that GI with all its aspects should become a fully integrated component of the European knowledge-based society Being so, its mission is to maximise the availability and effective use of GI in Europe for good governance, economic and social development, and informed public participation; it stimulates, encourages and supports the development and use of GI and technology and acts as the voice for the European GI community Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information OBJECTIVES Datasets and services (#1.): To promote the compatibility, interoperability, sharing and re-use of geo-spatial data User access (#2.): To promote easy access to datasets by users from a technical, legal, financial and organisational view point Applications (#3.): To promote the development of innovative services enabling the effective use of geo-spatial data for day to day uses (general public, government, industry, and research) Capacity building (#4.): To build the necessary technological, political, and human capacity at all levels International Affairs (#5.): To contribute towards advancing Global Spatial Data Infrastructure, support European overseas development aid programmes, and deal with such other issues external to Europe as may arise from time to time Communication (#6.): To communicate about the objectives, high level and network lobbying to achieve the objectives EUROGI has formally established six objectives: Datasets and services (#1.): To promote the compatibility, interoperability, sharing and re-use of geo-spatial data User access (#2.): To promote easy access to datasets by users from a technical, legal, financial and organisational view point Applications (#3.): To promote the development of innovative services enabling the effective use of geo-spatial data for day to day uses (general public, government, industry, and research) Capacity building (#4.): To build the necessary technological, political, and human capacity at all levels International Affairs (#5.): To contribute towards advancing Global Spatial Data Infrastructure, support European overseas development aid programmes, and deal with such other issues external to Europe as may arise from time to time Communication (#6.): To communicate about the objectives, high level and network lobbying to achieve the objectives When referring to Datasets and Services, User access and Applications (Objectives 1., 2. and 3.), EUROGI is dealing with the mainstream components, within which builds its own capacity for further action, strengths its position of knowledgeable stakeholder, and performs basic networking. The Capacity building (Objective 4.) and International affairs (Objective 5.) are means to properly structure the deliverables of mainstream components into the vision and mission of EUROGI, adding value to its role and bringing the ability to interact at an upper level, respectively inside and outside of Europe. Communication (Objective 6.) is essential to any organisation. To EUROGI is even more important, as it represents the ability to communicate about the objectives, and high level and network lobbying to achieve them. Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

WAG: Working & Advisory Groups Datasets: SDI implementation, Types of data (reference, professional), Scale (large, medium, small), Geographic extension (pan European, trans border, national, local, Solutions for funding (interoperability, new sets), Role of standardisation (new sets) 2006: INSPIRE, Addresses, CEN, Cross border User Access: Users access to data and usability, Public Sector Geographic Information (PSGI), Development of the European GI market, Pricing and data sharing 2006: PSI, Questionnaire on data production Applications: Best practices in day-to-day life, Domains needing specific efforts, Emerging domains of application, Show cases to raise awareness of GI usefulness 2006: Webcastle, FP7, Galileo, GMES International Affairs: Assist NGIA in developing nations, Promote SDI on a global basis, Strength GI in the EU aid programme, Facilitate cooperation of experts, Identify global trends, Promote relationships with Europe neighbour countries 2006: GSDI, International cooperation programs, National bilateral foreign affairs Communication: Coordinate the flow of information, Promote key themes, Lobby at national and European top level, release information targeted to politicians 2006: New webiste, Webcastle, Specific events, 3rd EU Industry Day, Marketing The WAG (Working & Advisory Groups) are crucial for the activity of EUROGI and the fulfil of its Objectives. They are each one directly related with one of the Objectives of EUROGI, which all have a WAG working, except (#4.) Capacity building which is of the President’s and Secretary General’s responsibility. Each WAG has a Convenor nominated by and a member of the Executive Committee, is managed by an appointed Director working under the authority of the Secretary General and is composed by interested EUROGI members. There are now five established WAG: Datasets: SDI implementation, Types of data (reference, professional), Scale (large, medium, small), Geographic extension (pan European, trans border, national, local, Solutions for funding (interoperability, new sets), Role of standardisation (new sets) 2006: INSPIRE, Addresses, CEN, Cross border User Access: Users access to data and usability, Public Sector Geographic Information (PSGI), Development of the European GI market, Pricing and data sharing 2006: PSI, Questionnaire on data production Applications: Best practices in day-to-day life, Domains needing specific efforts, Emerging domains of application, Show cases to raise awareness of GI usefulness 2006: Webcastle, FP7, Galileo, GMES International Affairs: Assist NGIA in developing nations, Promote SDI on a global basis, Strength GI in the EU aid programme, Facilitate cooperation of experts, Identify global trends, Promote relationships with Europe neighbour countries 2006: GSDI, International cooperation programs, National bilateral foreign affairs Communication: Coordinate the flow of information, Promote key themes, Lobby at national and European top level, release information targeted to politicians 2006: New webiste, Webcastle, Specific events, 3rd EU Industry Day, Marketing Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information ACTIVITIES INSPIRE Policy statements, User requirements, National information days Data sharing Public sector agreements, leverage the public sector efficiency, Re-use of spatial data sets by third parties, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Cross border Inventory of case studies, Interoperability, TRANSDI Project Questionnaire on User Access Assess pricing policies within the framework of technical, legal, financial and organisational issues of European countries GI in European Eastern countries Conduct a survey on existent NGIA, local key players, GI usage and opportunities Webcastle Enhance the structure, Populate with new applications, Broadly disseminate EGIN Strength the network, Exchange of information, Capacity building GI role in EU Programs FP7, econtent+, i2010, e-government Industry and market development Involvement of industry, 3rd EU Industry Day Among the current list of activities and actions included in the Work plan 2006, some deserve special reference: INSPIRE is a crucial directive for GI usage development at European level, coming to a stage when the integration of the users’ perspective is essential. EUROGI has been involved in the INSPIRE process and is now looking into the definition of Users’ requirements, analysis of Implementation rules (IR), and promotion of National information days through NGIA. Lobbying through Policy statements, after Members consultation, is an ongoing activity followed when justifiable. Data sharing is essential to leverage public sector efficiency. EUROGI is paying special attention to Public sector agreements, Re-use of spatial data sets by third parties and Public Private Partnerships (PPP), mainly in the framework of the Public Sector Information (PSI) Directive. In broad terms, PSI can be viewed as a bridge from the GI environment to the Information Society. It allows the GI sector to talk and connect to politicians in non-technical language and on common ground, especially when highlighted with other issues such as pricing, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), copyright, data protection, transparency, fair competition and patents. Cross border activities and related interoperability issues are in the core of setting up a strategy aiming to develop a framework for GI integration at European or regional level. An inventory of case studies will be carried out to identify cross border projects and potential opportunities. User Access to information is vital for market development. EUROGI aims to promote easy access to datasets by users from a technical, legal, financial and organisational point of view. Taking into account the European policy towards the re-use and commercial exploitation of public sector documents, EUROGI will conduct a questionnaire to list and evaluate the data producers and the interpretation made by European countries, assessing pricing policies within the framework of technical, legal, financial and organisational issues, segmented by accuracy (high, medium, low) and theme (natural, human, network). GI in European Eastern countries is an integration and cohesion issue. EUROGI will conduct a survey on existent NGIA, local key players, GI usage and opportunities, looking into potential cooperation, awareness raising and help to set up NGIA where there is a clear ground for development. Webcastle is a case study locator developed by EUROGI as a result of the GINIE project and thanks to our members populated with a number of relevant applications. It is an invaluable communication tool towards raising awareness of the benefits to be achieved from the use and exploitation of GI throughout Europe. EUROGI members can benefit enormously from enriching this case study portfolio making it knowledgeable through connections with other popular GI exploration tools. EUROGI will enhance the Webcastle structure, populate it with new applications and broadly disseminate the use. EGIN (European Geographic Information Network) was created after the GINIE project following the Pan European Associations Forum (PEAF), being an important entity to keep the connection between a multitude of GI related organisations. EUROGI is an active participant in EGIN, assuring its Secretariat and site web hosting, and wills to contribute for strengthen the network in the framework of common goals, which are believed to be exchange of information and capacity building. GI importance in EU Programs has to steadily raise. EUROGI is looking into opportunities and pushing the GI role within EU funded programs or initiatives such as the 7th Framework Program (FP7), econtent+, i2010 and e-government. Industry has to take part on activities aiming for market development. EUROGI is encouraging its active participation, namely by integrating the WAG and will organize a 3rd EU Industry Day, probably dedicated to address the issue of how the private sector is/can be involved in setting up SDI Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information MEMBERSHIP Recently approved statutes open EUROGI Membership to the Private Sector (D) and Individuals (F), and facilitate the participation of other National/Pan European Organizations (E), providing they are members of the correspondent NGIA The current Membership structure is: Affiliated organisations A (National Geographic Information Organisations): May be national or Pan European Organizations acting in the European GI field Affiliated Organisations B (National Geographic Information Organisations with Extended Candidate A status) Affiliated Organisations C (National Geographic Information Organisations with Candidate A status) Affiliated Organisations D (Sponsors) Affiliated Organisations E (Miscellaneous Organisations) Affiliated Natural Persons F (individuals) By broadening the membership, EUROGI in now more capable of playing the role of Umbrella Organisation and fulfils a role identified by the GINIE project It raises the ability to represent the GI community as a user centric organisation of multilevel and multidisciplinary stakeholders Offers organisations with the opportunity to participate in the definition of GI policies and positively influence decision making Recently approved statutes open EUROGI Membership to the Private Sector (D) and Individuals (F), and facilitate the participation of other National/Pan European Organizations (E), providing they are members of the correspondent NGIA The current Membership structure is: - Affiliated organisations A (National Geographic Information Organisations): May be national or Pan European Organizations acting in the European GI field - Affiliated Organisations B (National Geographic Information Organisations with Extended Candidate A status) - Affiliated Organisations C (National Geographic Information Organisations with Candidate A status) - Affiliated Organisations D (Sponsors) - Affiliated Organisations E (Miscellaneous Organisations) - Affiliated Natural Persons F (individuals) While Affiliated organisations A, B, C and E existed already, the affiliated organisations D and F are new. By broadening the membership, EUROGI in now more capable of playing the role of Umbrella Organisation and fulfils a role identified by the GINIE project, raises the ability to represent the GI community as a user centric organisation of multilevel and multidisciplinary stakeholders, and offers organisations with the opportunity to participate in the definition of GI policies and positively influence decision making. EUROGI is welcoming new members and may be some of the organisations here represented can soon join us. Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information OPPORTUNITIES European GI Network of Networks Dynamic portal European organisation European contact point for GI Lobbyist Expert witness Raising awareness Supporting GI standards Supporting its members at the grassroots Co-ordinating GI infrastructures Participating in funded projects Offers opportunities for participation EUROGI offers a set of opportunities such as: Connection with the rest of Europe as it is the European GI Network of Networks. EUROGI is a forum for debate, raises the profile of GI in Europe, and stimulates members to exchange experiences, jointly develop a European dimension, and use the framework to accomplish goals. EUROGI is highly inclusive providing contacts and communication avenues from across Europe and Internationally. Dynamic portal by being a central resource for information, and a platform for interaction between individuals and organisations, providing access to a set of communication media. Belonging to an European organisation as the members come from across the whole of Europe (European Union, EFTA and the Accession Countries), encouraging a truly European market. The European contact point for GI through direct contact with directorates of the European Commission and other European and international organisations. Lobbyist with a major impact on the thinking of politicians and other decision makers in Europe. EUROGI is an honest broker, lobbying through Members of the European Parliament (MEP), meetings with decision makers in the European Commission, letters from national Ministers to European Commissioners as a result of discussions with EUROGI members. EUROGI provide up to date information from member countries on GI initiatives such as PSI implementation, INSPIRE etc Expert witness who draws on the expertise of its members and brings together specialists, assisting actively the formulation of EU initiatives. Raising awareness as EUROGI summarises and catalyses the information, and starts a discussion of a particular topic within its membership. EUROGI organises specialized workshops and disseminates the main findings. Supporting GI standards as it collaborates with and is in contact with international standardisation organisations in the GI field: ISO TC 211, C EN TC 287 and 278, Open GIS Consortium-OGC. Supporting its members at the grassroots as EUROGI strenghts the business activities of its members by providing a forum for members to communicate and exchange experience and knowledge. It should be noted that grass roots information on the implementation of directives such as PSI, or the implementation of GI initiatives has a vital role in knowledge exchange. Co-ordinating GI infrastructures. The information society is generating an evolution and re-structuring of the GI sector. At all levels - local, national, regional and global - the GI sector is designing and/or adapting GI Infrastructures. These political, organisational and technological issues have to be managed by collaborative approaches using a bottom-up process. . Participating in funded projects by the European Commission and other organisations on pan-European level, which usually require multinational participation for the proposal to be accepted. Often relevant user support has to be included in the project. EUROGI is a valued participant in these projects. EUROGI also promotes the explicit inclusion of GI in EU programmes, resulting in larger GI budgets. Many other opportunities for participation for all categories of membership, such as join a working group, present a paper at a conference, volunteer for a committee, participate in training and workshop opportunities with other members of the European community. Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information FINAL REMARKS EUROGI is absolutely convinced that good governance, economic and social development, and informed public participation depend upon the availability and use of reliable and spatially-referenced information EUROGI aims to maximise the availability and effective use of GI throughout Europe, and attempts to increase awareness by all potential beneficiaries of its value EUROGI influences best practice in the creation and use of GI by encouraging collaboration between NGIA, and provides professional balanced advice to those who commission and need European GI, particularly to those in the public sector EUROGI aims to be truly representative of the whole industry from creators, developers and those who add value, and of all the end-users of GI, so has recently opened its membership to include not only national GI Associations but also members from Industry, Academic institutions, Public Sector bodies, Not-for-Profit organisations, and interested Individuals To conclude some final remarks: EUROGI is absolutely convinced that good governance, economic and social development, and informed public participation depend upon the availability and use of reliable and spatially-referenced information EUROGI aims to maximise the availability and effective use of GI throughout Europe, and attempts to increase awareness by all potential beneficiaries of its value EUROGI influences best practice in the creation and use of GI by encouraging collaboration between NGIA, and provides professional balanced advice to those who commission and need European GI, particularly to those in the public sector EUROGI aims to be truly representative of the whole industry from creators, developers and those who add value, and of all the end-users of GI, so has recently opened its membership to include not only national GI Associations but also members from Industry, Academic institutions, Public Sector bodies, Not-for-Profit organisations, and interested Individuals Clearly, EUROGI can only succeed through the active participation of all relevant GI related entities. Events like this one are of great importance to the development of the GI specialized community. Your participation in the activities of EUROGI is most welcome. Joint Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics Luxembourg - Kirchberg March 16-17, 2006 EUROGI The European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

Thank you Rua Artilharia Um, 107 1099-052 LISBOA Portugal Tel: +351 213 819 624 I Fax: +351 213 819 668 Thank you for you attention and please feel free to contact EUROGI at the provided contacts. I’ll be glad to answer any questions you may like to ask.