Union Grove High School


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Presentation transcript:

Union Grove High School ANNOUNCEMENTS August 13, 2015

You will be reading from the script. AUDITIONS For the FALL PLAY TODAY Aug. 13th 3:30 – 5:00, Room #308 You will be reading from the script.

Meeting for all students interested in Room 117 TODAY, Aug 13th @ 7pm Summer of 2016

1st meetings will be TODAY @ 3:30p.m. in Room 404 *Bring membership forms & officer applications

Varsity Softball Thu 8-13 @ HOME 5:30pm Fri 8-14 @ HOME 7pm

VARSITY VOLLEYBALL Thu 8-13 @ Dutchtown 6:00, 7:00 Sat 8-15 @ Locust Grove

JV Softball Fri 8-14 @ HOME 5:00

7:30pm vs Central Gwinnett VARSITY FOOTBALL Friday Aug 14th HOME scrimmage 7:30pm vs Central Gwinnett

The first Academic Team meeting will be Friday, August 14 from 3:30-4:40 in Trailer 3  Open to all interested

Cross Country Fundraiser Saturday August 15th @ UGHS Stadium 7pm-12am

*through your English class Tuesday Aug. 18th *through your English class

1st Meeting Tuesday Aug. 18th in the media center @ 8:00am Reading Bowl Team 1st Meeting Tuesday Aug. 18th in the media center @ 8:00am

Come intern in the media center! GAMA CLUB Come intern in the media center! *Application outside the media center doors Meeting Tuesday Aug 18th @ 8:00am

MEETING Tuesday, August 18th in room 811 @ 7:45am & 3:30pm

CONGRATULATIONS! Cheerleader of the Year All State Team Megan Douglas, Devin Butler, Ashleigh Schroder and Taylor Harrison

GAY-STRAIGHT ALLIANCE Every other Wednesday starting August 19th In Room 220 from 3:30 to 4:30 after school.

Parking Permits $50.00 CASH You must have a valid Permanent Driver’s License And completed a parking application with a parent/guardian’s signature. *APPLICATIONS AVILABLE IN THE FRONT OFFICE

Girls Varsity Swim Team Meeting Thursday Aug 20th @ 4:00 p.m. in room 404

Senior Transition Night Aug 20st 6:00pm in the Commons *There will be many Universities *Information about Senior Activities *HOPE Scholarship & College Planning *Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC: HOPE Scholarship)

Order forms will be given out in 1st period or drop by room 408 or 118 2016 yearbook on sale for $80 ONLY until Aug. 21! Order forms will be given out in 1st period or drop by room 408 or 118

JOIN FFA NOW! 1st Meeting Aug 25th Afterschool room 410 Dues are $20 *Pre-order T-shirts until Aug 14th for $15

Attention Seniors Last chance to have your senior portraits made for the yearbook: August 25-27th 3-7 pm in room 408 If you don’t have an appointment, please contact Lifetouch ASAP at 678-554-2103

CTSO TAILGATE Sept 4th Location: End of parking lot in front of school Time: 5:30 pm Free to get in Hotdogs, cornhole, games, & music!

Join the Fishing Club Stop by Room #227 for a membership form

State School Superintendent Seeks Student Advisory Council These ambassadors will meet with Superintendent Woods to discuss the impact of state policies in the classroom, along with other issues related to education. Download application here and submit by August 31st at 5 pm to Ron Culver at rculver@doe.k12.ga.us

Raise money for Relay for Life STUDENT AGENDAS on sale in the Media Center $5.00   Raise money for Relay for Life

Use your Infinite Campus login to access FREE eBooks & Audiobooks http://henry.lib.overdrive.com/

LUNCH Hot Dog Garden Salad w/turkey & cheese THUR 8-13 LUNCH Chicken & Rice Soup w/cheese toast Hot Dog Garden Salad w/turkey & cheese Cole slaw, sweet potato fries, broccoli/cauliflower, frozen juice cup THURSDAY Nov 15th