Chapter 6.1 Immigration
Chapter 6.1 Immigration Between 1865 and 1914 25 million European immigrants came to America Before 1890 they were from Northern and Western Europe “Old Immigrants” After 1890 they were from Southern and Eastern Europe “New Immigrants”
Chapter 6.1 Immigration Most immigrants were poor and had to book passage in “steerage”-the cheapest accommodations on a ship. At the end of a 14 day journey, they were processed at Ellis Island. The immigrants moved to neighborhoods with people of the same ethnic background. China town, Little Italy, Jewish Lower East Side
Chapter 6.1 Immigration “Nativism”- an extreme dislike of immigrants by native born people. Most Eastern and Southern Europeans were Catholic and anti-Catholic leagues were formed Chinese Exclusion Act- kept Chinese from coming to America for 10 years and kept the ones here from becoming citizens.