Robofest 2008 Judging Guidelines Mar. 8, 2008 (Mar. 28, 2008 – Minor revision) Note: Some rules have changed! Robofest
Robofest Judging Philosophy Simple Objective Fair Maximize Students’ learning Robofest
Judge Types and Roles Qualify to About 25% of World Championship teams Chief Judge Judges Qualify to World Championship About 25% of teams Robofest
Exhibition Judging Robofest
2008 Exhibition Competition They will have 4 minutes for the team introduction, robot presentation and demonstration No oral questions, but a uniform written test for all teams (10%) Robofest
Roles of Exhibition Judges Before the Opening Ceremony - visit each team table to be familiar with the exhibitions During the official presentation Watch the demos carefully and score them Score presentation Check scores of the written test Anytime before the game 2nd round Visit team tables to interview with teams Inspect program code and robot(s) Submit your ranks with comments to the Chief Judge When you visit team tables, do not identify yourself – you must be a “silent judge”. Robofest
Responsibilities of Chief Exhibition Judge One hour before the closing Meeting with Exhibition Judges Collect forms and sheets Check the forms Calculate averaged rank for each team using Excel decide award winners as well as qualified teams to advance After the event, submit all the forms, sheets, hard copies to scorekeeper Robofest
Exhibition Competition Comprehensive Rank is based on: Public Demonstration Performance (reliability) -25% Originality (creativity) - 25% Team intro & member role - 5% Presentation Delivery methods – 5% Written Test – 10% Source Code Inspection - 5% Robot inspection – 5% Complexity and Size - 5% Usefulness / Practicality - 5% Entrepreneur ideas and mindset – 5% New Technologies Used and Other Factors - 5% Robofest
Judging sheet A sample sheet can be found on the web: Robofest
RoboFashion Show Judging Robofest
Judging Criteria for the overall rank Team Intro (5%) Presentation delivery (5%) Demo (15%) Whole stage usage (15%) Artistic Choreography & Performance (10%) Creativity (10%) Robot team work & synchronization – if one robot, this score must be zero (10%) Code inspection (10%) Robot mechanical design (10%) New Tech used (10%) Robofest
Judging sheet A sample sheet can be found on the web: Robofest
Game: RoboSavers Robofest
Robofest 2008 Game Judging Overall score is based on Simpler – minimize judging errors No Unknown Problem No Playing Field Reset Overall score is based on Written Test - 10% Performance Score – 90% Note that team introduction is not judged Robofest
How many judges are needed when there are two playing fields? 5 Chief Judge Robofest
2008 Game Rules - General The successful rescue occurs when the ball touches or passes over the black line with the robot (no throwing allowed) 2 minutes per game are given 2 chances (rounds) are given for each team Only 2 players are allowed in the official playing field; Other members must be around the field Robofest
Before the First Round Written test for 10 minutes for each team No cell phones allowed No computers allowed Chief Judge will collect and grade the answers Robofest
Emcee will announce: The use of cell phones, laptops and other communications devices is prohibited in this competition arena. Please turn off all such devices now. If you need to use any communications device, please leave the room first. Some robots can be controlled by Blue Tooth devices, and this is a competition for completely autonomous robots. If anyone sees someone using a cell phone, laptop or other communications devices, please get the attention of the nearest Robofest volunteer immediately. Only two team members can stay in the competition area; However, it is required that all other members be around the competition field during the game playing. Robofest
How to start the robot Staring orientation can be any direction Robots can start at the same time and in any order, multiple times. Any part of the robot cannot pass the black lines to start Robofest
Scoring Sheet: Junior & Senior Division Robofest
The Bot is returning home without the ball… When can I pick it up? Answer: When any part of the robot touches the black line on the base station In order not to get the -5 penalty points Robofest
In Case of Any Failure (when a robot goes crazy…) If a robot is touched outside the safe zone, the robot must be restarted! Red card (or flag) will be given to the robot Robofest
Ball locations for Jr. Division Qualifiers 3 balls will be placed at fixed locations before starting the game The corner ball will be placed on the table with pencils after the game starts Chief Game Judge will decide locations for each round Robofest
Suggested Ball Locations for Jr. Qualifiers Starting area & Safe Zone A Fixed wall Starting area & Safe Zone B Suggested minimum distance between balls is 6 inches. Robofest
Ball locations for Sr. Division Qualifiers 3 balls will be placed at fixed locations before starting the game near the line. (max. 6 inches away from the line, perpendicularly) The corner ball will be placed on the table with pencils after the game starts Chief Game Judge will decide locations for each round Robofest
Suggested Ball Locations for Sr. Qualifiers Fixed wall Starting area & Safe Zone A Fixed wall Starting area & Safe Zone B Robofest
Sr. Division Playing Field - revised 3 balls along the line There will be no ball at this corner Robofest
RoboSumo Judging Robofest
Unknown Problem How to start the Sumo game is unknown Need either light and/or touch sensor A team that solves this unknown problem for the first time will get an extra “Win” Robofest
A sample unknown problem for warm-up In the beginning, your robot does nothing but waiting for a touch sensor event If the Touch sensor is pressed, your robot must wait for 5 seconds then start the Sumo game. Robofest
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