Testing and Intelligence
Testing and Intelligence What’s one more way to separate people? We don’t have enough ways to categorize people? Hmmm…..I’ve got it. Let’s create tests to tell if a person is smart or dumb. That’s the ticket. Now we have one more way to categorize people, smart people and dumb people. Holy Cow!!!
Types of Tests Aptitude test: tests for how well a person might do. Achievement test: tests for what a person has already learned.
Theories of Intelligence Spearman’s g Factor: g Factor: an innate general intellectual ability. We either have it, or we don’t. Cattell’s Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence: Crystallized: general knowledge. Fluid: the ability for abstract thinking and complex problem solving.
Theories of Intelligence Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory: there are three types of intelligence Practical intelligence: street smarts. Analytical intelligence: intelligence measured by IQ tests. Creative intelligence: ability to see new relationships. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences: seven types of intelligence.
Testing Bias IQ test results tend to favor the middle to upper classes and males. Does this mean there are built in biases in the tests?
Intelligence Theories Is there such a thing as emotional intelligence? Are these alternative theories, like Sternberg’s and Gardner’s just a PC way of saying nobody is stupid? Which theory do you like the best? Why?