E-mail: nancy.stevens@lcps.org Spectrum Back to School Night (6th and 7th Grade Only) 2016-2017 Mrs. Nancy Stevens Gifted Specialist Harmony Middle School Room: B1 Phone: 540.751.2500 Fax: 540.751.2501 E-mail: nancy.stevens@lcps.org
SPECTRUM CLASS RULES Respect Respect -Treat others the way you want to be treated Caring -Say nice things and share compliments with others Choices -Make every decision carefully Effort -Achieve all your goals through commitment and hard work Honesty -Be truthful to others Responsibility -Be in control of your own behavior CONSEQUENCES Communicate with student Call parent Refer to Dean
6th and 7th GRADE UNITS OF STUDY ETHICS AND PERSPECTIVES SURVIVALS: Synergistic decision-making (SDM) Teams generally produce decisions better (superior to) individuals. “Two heads are better than one.” SDM is a method of utilizing the full capacity of human resources available within a group . Subarctic Jungle Communication and culture Dig It! This archeology unit begins with a discussion of commonly known archaeology terms with a “Describe and Discover Your Artifact” activity. Students then analyze a student –created wall mural to determine the cultural universals of this mysterious and unknown culture. Working together as a group, students plan an original culture and create artifacts representing the 10 culture universals. Independent and cooperative activities are involved in this quite detailed and exciting simulation. BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Pencil Company Students apply business concepts in in the organization of a pencil company. Students create the advertisements for the company, learn and apply sales techniques, and assume company roles; such as, President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Pencils are designed and created, then sold for a profit. Students must maintain accurate records throughout the simulation as well as explain the financial figures in the annual report. Business ethics will also be discussed during this simulation TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING Math Mystery Continental Mathematics League: National Mathematics competition 6 problems /5 meets beginning in November. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES: Independent Study, Crime Solving Mysteries, Thinking Skill activities and Strategic Games
Important Notes for Students and Parents: Spectrum is an enrichment class meant to intrigue and inspire students to go above and beyond. There will not be homework assigned; however, on occasion students will be asked to gather information or materials for classroom activities. Students will not be allowed to leave the Spectrum classroom to make up any other class work. Classwork or tests in other classes must be made up before or after school, or during that particular class. Many of your are taking a rigorous course load. They need to be mindful of that and use their time wisely. Spectrum assessments are given out at the end of each semester. Final assessments are mailed home.
Field Trip Overview Forensic Mysteries - Mystery at Yorktown Creek Field Trip Overview Forensic Mysteries - Mystery at Yorktown Creek Erosion along a creek bed produces a startling discovery – a human skeleton! Before the clues are washed away forever, students will get the chance to examine the evidence collected by the archaeologist during this staff-led program. Using the forensic tools and techniques of Smithsonian scientists, they will study the human bones and artifacts found with the skeleton to determine who this person was, when they lived, and what their life might have been like. Uncover the mystery of a person whose burial could turn out to be over 200 years old!
Itinerary for 6th and 7th Grade Spectrum Field Trip Mystery At Yorktown Itinerary for 6th and 7th Grade Spectrum Field Trip to the The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Dates: TBA Time Activity Place 8:30 a.m. Report to Library Harmony Middle School 8:40 a.m. Buses load 8:45 a.m. Buses leave 10:00 a.m. Arrive at Museum Natural History Museum 10:00-12:00 Museum Program 12:30-1:15 Lunch-allow $7-$15 Union Station 1:30 Board Bus, Leave 2:45 p.m. Arrive back at Harmony
Important notes for field trip: Fees: $15.00 bus fee $ 7-15.00 Lunch The museum visit is free; however, we must pay for the bus. That charge will be 15.00 per person (that will include chaperones) Please ensure that students have $7-$15 for lunch. For those who wish to pack due to food allergies, place lunch in a disposable bag and plan to purchase a drink on site. No refrigeration will be provided on the bus. Appropriate dress is required (Follow School Dress Code). All bags and belongings will be left on the bus as there will be a security check at the museum entrance. We do not have time to check bags. No electronic equipment! The bus is not secured and the driver will not be responsible for lost items. Be on time! The bus will leave on schedule! You must check in with your first or fifth block teacher on the day of the trip for attendance purposes and then report to the front office area. Make up all work that is missed. Remember, all work that is due must be handed in prior to the trip unless other arrangements have been made. If a parent/guardian wishes to chaperone, you must e-mail Mrs. Stevens at nancy.stevens@lcps.org with name, cell phone # and student name, to be considered. Chaperone status will be determined on a first come first served basis and all chaperones will be notified within 24 hours of their acceptance.
have a wonderful school year!