Communicating Student Learning Reporting Template Revisions Presented by: Reno Ciolfi Assistant Superintendent Andrea McComb Principal of Learning Services October 2018 | DPAC
Report Card Review Committee feedback from parents, teachers, and administrators. the committee has been engaged in working with teachers and administrators and the notes from those sessions were also included as part of the feedback.
Feedback: Strengths with Last Year’s Template Common Language and process Teacher supports available Inclusion (honoring every learner) Choice to use letter grades Keep From your Teacher Curricular Competencies Student Perspective Goals and Next Steps This Term We Opportunities to provide feedback Common Practices and Alignment with the Curriculum Multiple perspectives represented
Feedback: Challenges with Last Year’s Template Lack of Flexibility, voice and choice with curricular competencies being fixed each term Performance Scale Language and Descriptions Authentic representation of and reporting on curricular competencies The difficulty of the language Inclusion and alignment with IEP Time for planning and instruction to cover this template Time it takes to write it
Other Parameters that impacted decision making. Throughout the process we kept in mind that the district will be shifting the reporting template to the MYED platform. This significantly impacted our choices with regards to the template design. We also continued to use the lens of Inclusion considering the revisions happening to the IEP, ensuring that they align with our template.
Primary Report
Intermediate Report Can be a proficiency scale or letter grades
K-8 These templates are for K-8 within our system
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