Revision Numbers in English
Oral practice: s ( ) 200 two hundred 365 three hundred and sixty-five ( ) three hundred and sixty-five 21,027 twenty-one thousand (and) twenty-seven 657,406,008 six hundred (and) fifty-seven million four hundred (and) six thousand (and) eight
Pay attention to the spelling Written practice: 14,144: fourteen thousand one hundred and forty-four Pay attention to the spelling 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty
Can you finish the following form: Cardinal numbers one two three five eight nine twelve twenty twenty-one Ordinal numbers Short forms first 1st second 2nd 3rd 5th 8th 9th 12th 20th 21st third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth twenty-first
1 __ 2 Can you read? one second / one-second two thirds/ two-thirds 3 two thirds/ two-thirds 8 9 eight ninths/ eight-ninths
Discuss: People use numbers in many ways in our daily life. Where can we find numbers in our daily life?
telephone numbers
numbering Book 6 Room 9
$4000 price/money
People use numbers to talk about telephone numbers / date / time / money / price / …… Can you understand them when they are talking?
Listening Practice Keys: B B A B B A
Read the reference materials and tell me how to express the following . telephone numbers date time numbering
Let’s do the exercises ( No.1--- 3 No. 15---25 )
Homework: Finish off the paper