Chp12 Prob 12.24 Solution Common-Source pFET Amplifier Engineering 43 Chp12 Prob 12.24 Solution Common-Source pFET Amplifier 2e Prob 8.28 Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
ENGR43 P12.24 Use LOAD-LINE Analysis to Find vo(t) for the Ckt below Note: This a pFET Circuit
The pFET Characteristic
P12.24 GamePlan Draw LoadLine for the 1 kΩ Resistor load, then find the operating (vDS, iD) Values corresponding to This Set of vGS values vGS = [7v + 1V•sin(0)] −10V This is VGSQ = −3 V vGS = [7v + 1V•sin(π)] −10V This is vGS,max = −4 V vGS = [7v + 1V•sin(3π/2)] −10V This is vGS,min = −2 V