How to Request Books from Other Libraries Using the Library Catalog The library catalog allows you to request items that are located at any of the other North Carolina community college libraries (CCLINC) that share our catalog. Go to the Library Catalog Search the catalog by typing your search term(s) in the search field and select search .
Type search term(s) in search box and click search
Click on hyperlinked title to ensure LCC library does not own this item.
From this screen click the select an action dropdown menu
Select “Place Hold(s)” from the dropdown menu list
To place the hold you must type in a username which is your 14 digit library card number found on the back of your LCC ID. The password is set as the last four digits of your library card number. You must activate your library card by either calling the library, filling out the online request a library card on the library website, or physically come to the library with this request.
Once logged in you will be prompted to place a hold on the item you want to request.
If the hold request has been successfully placed you will see this screen.
If you want to check on the status of the book you requested or cancel the loan request go to My Account at the top of the screen
From the My Accounts screen select the holds tab From the My Accounts screen select the holds tab. This screen will show you the status of the hold as well as allow you to cancel the hold if you so choose