Thursday,October 6 Watch this youtube video and write down one interesting fact about each of the endangered species.
Continue to work on your endangered species project Continue to work on your endangered species project. Due this Friday, 10-7 Grading Ruberic T-shirt Design: 30 points total 20 points=Have a catchy slogan or phrase to encourage people to care about the endangered species. 20 points=Have a picture or drawing of the endangered species. 10 points=Be in color.
Report: 75 points total 10 points=Typed, complete sentences, paragraph form 10 points=Picture of species 10 points=Two pages long, not including the picture, 12 pt font, double-spaced 45 points=Content. Does it answer the questions on the handout from yesterday?
Wednesday, October 5 What is the difference between an endangered species and an extinct species?