Midterm report cards go home on Tuesday! First Grade News 2.5 November 12 - 16, 2018 Reminders: Reading & Language: Book Focus: Read and discuss: Elizabeth Leads the Way Skill: identify the main topic, ask and answer questions, identify how information is organized Language Focus Skills: sentence structure, nouns, verbs, adjectives Vocabulary: capitalization, punctuation, complete sentence, action, describe Midterm report cards go home on Tuesday! November 19-23 – Thanksgiving Holiday December 24-January 3 – Winter Break January 4- Students back to school Click to Edit Math: Focus Skills: make a ten to add Vocabulary: make a ten Spelling: link fang honk ding sung gong rink yank bunk ring bank long what of they why there Sentence Dictation: Dad is at the bank. Did Jill sing a song? Pam has long pink socks.