Title: Earth’s Structure Key Words: Crust, Mantle, Outer/Inner Core L.O: To identify what a natural disaster is and describe the structure of planet Earth.
In this unit we are going to be focusing on two types of natural hazard. But what exactly do we mean by the term “Natural Hazard”? The next slide has a few for you to think about. Once you’ve looked at them you have two minutes to come up with a definition for this term.
Definition: A natural hazard is something that can have a negative impact on people or the environment.
The two natural hazards that we will be focusing on are earthquakes and volcanoes. We will be looking at where they occur, how they occur and the impact they have on people and the environment. But to start with, we will be looking at planet Earth – its structure, how it was formed and how it got its shape.
From the Earth’s crust to its centre is approximately 6,400km (4,000 miles). That’s about the length of the continent of South America!
Our planet is unique, it is the only planet that we know of in our solar system that can sustain life. Since its beginnings, earth has been constantly changing and how we know it today is not how it used to be and not how it will be in millions of years to come! Welcome to plate tectonics, the earths mover, shaker and shaper!
Task: The Earth is divided into four distinct layers with their own physical characteristics. Your task is to complete the following using the earth’s structure handout. Look at the next slide and using the statements you have to correctly label the earth’s layers and identify the correct physical features for each layer. Tip – the earths layers get hotter the further towards the centre . Think about the affect this change in temperature will have on rock!
The Earth is divided into 4 distinct layers
Third layer is called the outer core. Thinking skills statements This inner layer is solid iron. This is a liquid layer. This layer is between 5000 – 6000 degrees. Thinnest layer, 20 – 30 miles in depth. This outer layer is made of solid rock. This layer is 1,200 miles in depth. Temperature between 500 – 4000 degrees. Lower part of this layer is 500 degrees. Thickest layer – 1,800 miles in depth. Temperature in this layer between 4000 – 5000 degrees. Layer directly below crust is called the mantle. Rock melts in this layer and acts like treacle – semi-solid. Layer at centre of earth – 750 miles deep. Deepest layer of planet earth is called the inner core. Outer layer of planet earth is called the crust.
Thinnest layer ,20 – 30 miles in depth. Up to 500 degrees Solid Rock Temp Hardness Crust Thinnest layer ,20 – 30 miles in depth. Up to 500 degrees Solid Rock Mantle Thickest layer – up to 1,800 miles in depth. Between 500 – 4,000 degrees. Like treacle – semi-solid. Outer Core Second thickest layer – 1,200 miles in depth. 4,000 – 5,000 degrees. Liquid Inner Core 750 miles deep. 5,000 – 6,000 degrees. A solid layer of Iron
Homework Using key words and the earth’s structure table, write a descriptive paragraph to describe a “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”