Wellness expresses itself in all parts of your life, including: Physical. Mental/emotional. Spiritual. Social. 1
Maintains a strong sense of self. Mental/Emotional and Spiritual Health A well person: Maintains a strong sense of self. Accepts new ideas and tries new behaviors. Handles setbacks without loss of self-esteem. Displays awareness of emotions, and expresses them appropriately. 2
Mental/Emotional and Spiritual Health A well person also: Recognizes emotional problems in self or others, and seeks help when needed. Feels that life has meaning. Manages stress with skill and enjoyment, not letting it become overwhelming. 3
Physical Health and Preventive Care Mental/Emotional and Spiritual Health Physical Health and Preventive Care A well person will do the following to maintain physical health: Get eight to nine hours of sleep each night. Eat nutritious foods. Maintain an appropriate weight. Work to achieve and maintain physical activity.
Physical Health and Preventive Care A well person will also do the following to maintain physical health: Abstain from using drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. Take preventive measures for personal safety. Take measures to prevent infectious diseases. Analyze health information and products. Use the health care system wisely.
Develop supportive friendships. Resolve conflicts. Social Health A well person will do the following to maintain social health: Develop supportive friendships. Resolve conflicts. Socialize well with others without the influence of drugs or alcohol. Develop and maintain psychological intimacy with others.
Social Health A well person will also do the following to maintain social health: Form a successful long-term partnership. Understand and accept his or her sexuality. Understand the risks of STDs and pregnancy and take responsibility for his or her behavior. Continue growing, learning, and facing new challenges throughout life.
Social Health A well person will also do the following to maintain social health: Know what is involved in facing death (one’s own or someone else’s) and accept grief in all of its stages. Relate to the larger environment (home, community, world) and take a share of the responsibility for it.