The Unification of Italy
Italian Nationalist Leaders King Victor Emmanuel II Giuseppi Garibaldi [The “Sword”] Giuseppi Mazzini [The “Heart”] Count Cavour [The “Head”]
Italian Nationalist Leaders Count Cavour- Major leader of Italian unification Guiseppe Giribaldi- Responsible for the unification of Southern Italy Victor Immanuel-Declared himself the King of Italy
Problems Facing the New Italy The Constitutional Monarchy lacked representation of most Italians Various languages, systems of weights and measures and coinage Lack of resources for Industrialization Too much emphasis on military might
Pope Pius IX
Sardinia-Piedmont: The “Magnet”
Step #1
Step #2
Step #3
Italian Unification
The Kingdom of Italy: 1871
German Unification
German Unification
Kaiser Wilhelm I
Chancellor Otto von Bismarck “Blood & Iron”
Bismarck and the Franco-Prussian War France’s defeat gave territory- Alsace Lorraine to Germany 1871 Bismarck united the German nations and Germany became one of the most powerful European nations
Unification of Germany
German Imperial Flag
Kaiser Wilhelm II
“Dropping the Pilot” 1890
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Eastern Europe in the Last Half of the 19c
Differing Nationalities in the Austrian Empire
Austrian Imperial Flag
Russian Expansion
Russian Imperial Flag
Russian Revolution of 1905 Protestors were fired on by soldiers, started riots across Russia October Manifesto- granted full civil liberties to all citizens, created the Duma ( National Legislature elected by the people) Revolution served as the basis for future attempts
Forced Migration of Russia’s Jews
The Ottoman Empire: Late 19c
The Balkan Nations and Independence Countries formerly apart of the Ottoman Empire that gained full or partial Independence. Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina turned over to Austria Montenegro Bulgaria Rumania
Europe at the end of the 19th Centurey The Ottoman Empire is crumbling due to Nationalism Gemany is unified and powerful Austria has many ethnic groups demanding independence Russia is on the verge of Revolution France and England powerful and stable