California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) Program Update 2009–10 Bruce Little, Ph.D. Bilingual Coordinators Network Meeting September 17, 2009 SURVEY SAYS
Presentation Objectives What’s new for 2009-10? Test variations AB 2040 update Kidd (Chapman) settlement agreement study update Administration update (still 7 admins/year) Results, data corrections Resources 2
What’s New for 2009-10? Special education exemption Categorical funding flexibility New test dates Proposed regulations Some resources reduced
Special Education Exemption Assembly Bill (AB) X4 2 enacted California Education Code Section 60852.3 Begins with the 2009-10 school year An eligible student with disabilities is not required to pass the CAHSEE as a condition to receive a high school diploma. An eligible student must have an individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan that indicates that he or she is scheduled to receive a diploma and has or will satisfy all state and local requirements on or after July 1, 2009.
Special Education Exemption cont’d The exemption shall last until the State Board of Education (SBE) determines that alternative means are not feasible or that alternative means are implemented. Local Education Agencies shall not implement an IEP or Section 504 plan for the sole purpose of exempting a student from passing the CAHSEE. Students with disabilities must take the CAHSEE in grade ten for federal accountability purposes (AYP). 5
Test Variations California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Sections 1215 through 1218 Variations for all students Variations for English learners Accommodations for students with disabilities Modifications for students with disabilities Unlisted accommodations and modifications 6
Local Waiver California Education Code Section 60851(c) At the request of the student’s parent or guardian, a school principal must submit to the local school board a request for a waiver of the requirement to pass the part(s) of the CAHSEE on which a modification was used and the equivalent of a passing score was earned. 7
Local Waiver Process For the local board to waive the CAHSEE requirement, the principal must certify the student has: An IEP or Section 504 plan that requires the modifications to be provided to the student during testing. (2) Completion, or in the process of completion, of high school-level coursework sufficient to have attained the skills and knowledge otherwise needed to pass the CAHSEE. (3) A score report showing that the student received the equivalent of a passing score on the CAHSEE while using a modification. 8
Unlisted Variations California Education Code Section 1218 requires the school district to file a request with the CDE to review and approve proposed examination variations that are not specified in EC sections 1215, 1215.5, or 1216. Step 1-Verify that the test variation is unlisted by reviewing CAHSEE regulations. (Call if unsure.) Step 2-Complete Request for Test Variations form. Step 3-The CDE will convene special education, CAHSEE, and legal representatives to review requests. Step 4-The CDE will issue a decision within 15 working days of receipt of the request. 9
Test Variations and Local Waivers for Adult Students with Disabilities Adult students with disabilities are eligible for test variations, including accommodations and modifications, as well as the local waiver request process. Students with disabilities can receive educational services under an IEP until age 22. 10
Assembly Bill (AB) 2040 Update California Education code sections 60852.1 and 60852.2 Requires that a panel, composed of educators and others with experience working with students with disabilities and/or multiple forms of assessment, make recommendations regarding alternative means option(s) The alternative means option(s) must demonstrate academic achievement in the content standards measured by the CAHSEE. UPDATE on the status of this project 11
AB 2040 Update cont’d Panel shall make findings and recommendations regarding: Specific option(s) for alternative assessment Submission of evidence Scoring or other evaluation system Process to ensure that the form, content, and scoring are applied uniformly across the state Estimates of one-time or ongoing costs Implemented statewide, regionally, or both
Kidd (Chapman) Settlement Agreement-Study Update Requires an independent external study examining students who: have taken, but not passed, the CAHSEE with modifications and/or accommodations specified in IEPs or 504 plans. have satisfied or will satisfy all other requirements for graduation from high school. American Institutes for Research is conducting the study. Their findings will be provided in two reports. Interim report due to CDE June, 2009 Final report due to CDE January, 2010 UPDATE on the status of this project 13
CAHSEE Regulations Proposed regulations presented to the SBE at their September 2009 meeting included the following: Add or revise definitions and refine language This included adding a definition of translator which requires they sign security affidavit and receive training in administering the CAHSEE. Clarify language to improve the accuracy of data collected in the following areas: Eligibility for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Race and ethnicity Reclassified to fluent English proficient (RFEP) District and county of residence for students with IEPs UPDATE on the status of regulations 14
Remediation and Categorical Funding Flexibility Education Code Section 37252 Remediation for students in grades seven through twelve who do not show sufficient progress toward passing the CAHSEE. Education Code Section 37254 Intensive Instruction and Services Grant SBX3 4 Categorical funding flexibility "The funds are unrestricted; program or funding requirements, as otherwise provided in statute…are not in effect." 15
Categorical Funding Local education agencies that participated in the 2008-09 CAHSEE Intensive Instruction (CII) funding will be apportioned 2009-10 CII funding based on their proportional share of the 2008-09 funds. Apportionments are scheduled to be distributed in October. For more information, contact the School Fiscal Services Division, Wendi McCaskill at 916-323-6191 or
2009-10 Test Dates Future CAHSEE administrations will be: October 6-7, 2009 November 3-4, 2009 December 5 & 12, 2009 (Saturdays) December, 2009 (ELA writing prompt field test) CANCELED February 2-3, 2010 March 16-17, 2010 May 11-12, 2010 Recruiting for field test writing 17
Options to Participate in CAHSEE Administrations 2009-10 July 28-29 October 6-7 November 3-4 December 5 & 12 February 2-3 March 16-17 May 11-12 Grade 10 (Census) (Census or Make up) (Make up) Grade 11 Grade 12 Adult State law requires that the CAHSEE be administered only on the dates designated by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. There are seven administrations each year. In addition to February and March, other administrations are in May, in July for 12th grade and adult students, and in October, November, and December for 11th and 12th grade students and adult students. ELA tests are on Tuesdays starting between 8 and 10 am and math tests are on Wednesdays, also starting between 8 and 10. The December administration of the CAHSEE takes place on successive Saturdays. The table above contains the exact testing dates. All students are required to take the CAHSEE for the first time in grade ten during the CAHSEE census administrations in February or March. Tenth grade students may only take the CAHSEE once during the school year. Districts have the option of offering a make-up opportunity during the March or May testing dates only to those 10th grade students who were absent during the district’s census administration. School districts are not required to offer a make-up administration, but it can be helpful in meeting the 95% participation rate for AYP. If 10th grade students pass both the ELA and math portions of the exam, they have completed the CAHSEE requirement for graduation. In addition to the use of the CAHSEE as a graduation requirement, the spring CAHSEE administration will continue to be used in calculating the Academic Performance Index (API) for state accountability purposes and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) to meet federal No Child Left Behind requirements. For testing schedules, go to: 18
CAHSEE Webcast A Webcast will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 9:00 a.m. San Diego County Office of Education 19
2009 CAHSEE Summary Results Key findings: Approximately 91 percent of the Class of 2009 met the CAHSEE requirement. (See Table 1.) The passing rates for most subgroups increased over 2008. (See Table 2.) The passing rate for students receiving special education services increased approximately 2 percentage points over 2008. (Tables 2 and 3) The passing rate for English learners increased slightly over 2008. (Tables 2 and 3) Though the achievement gap continues to persist, the gap is slowly narrowing.
Resources and Training Assistance Packets: Annual Notification: Communicating with Parents and Guardians About the CAHSEE for the 2009-10 School Year Individual Student Results: Explaining the 2008-09 CAHSEE Summary Results to the Public Summary Results: Explaining the 2008-09 CAHSEE Student and Parent Report to Parents, Guardians, and Students Released Test Questions Student Study Guides Teacher Guides CAHSEE Administration Workshops 21
For More Information CDE High School Exit Exam Office 916-445-9449 CAHSEE policy and general exam information CDE High School Exit Exam Office 916-445-9449 State and federal accountability information CDE Academic Accountability Unit 916-319-0863 22