Finding Your Way in God’s World
Lose Your Place, Lose Your Life
Feeling Lost? Can science be your map?
Science … can tell us many things. can’t answer the most important questions. Science has limitations!!
Important Questions Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? These ?’s are totally beyond the realm of science. Are they important? How do we answer them?
outlook from which you interpret life Worldview outlook from which you interpret life Each world view has presuppositions—things we just assume are true. There are two.
Presupposition An unproven idea Used as the basis to prove other ideas We must realize that we do this—we pre-suppose. There must be some starting point.
Christian 3 presuppositions God made the world and man. The world is fallen because of sin. God works to redeem the world. Study the first 3 chapters of the Bible and you have the answers to the first 3 important questions.
We should use this worldview to guide our use of science. Christian We should use this worldview to guide our use of science. Science should NOT guide our understanding of the Bible. Science is NOT truth—is it changeable. The Bible is not.
Creation Mandate Exercise dominion Best use of resources Genesis 1:26, 28 Dominion means having power or authority.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. God has given us dominion-we are not usurpers of nature!!! To have dominion or mastery, we must study and learn about the creation so that we can use it as God intended. So, the Bible tells us to study the world around us.
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Humanism/Secularist 4 presuppositions The universe always existed. People are just evolved animals. Death is normal. Scientism Remember, these are just accepted without proof.
Scientism the belief that we can know things best with science “Science will solve the world’s problems.”
The Bible … establishes science and gives it a reason to exist. shows us that the world should be studied so that we can better use its resources. Supremacy of the Bible. What will you use to make the decisions in your life??? Your intellect??? Your will? Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Question Science can’t answer life’s important questions. True False What can---yes, the Bible. John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. Question
Question The Christian worldview advocates scientism. True False Of course not. Remember that scientism is the concept that science can solve all the problems we have. The biggest problem we have is a sin problem and only God can solve that problem. That is why Christ came to earth—to redeem man and give him an eternal home with God. Question
It shows that the world should be studied to better use resources. Science Nature Presupposition The Bible Remember the Creation Mandate—study the world so that we can exercise proper care as we have dominion. Question
Science: The Map in Hand So, how do we fulfill the Creation mandate? How do we study the creation? We use science to fulfill the “contract” we have with God to use AND care for the earth.
a simplified depiction of a complex object or concept Model a simplified depiction of a complex object or concept Simplifies a complex idea.
Model can be physical or conceptual is not “true” but only a simplification The goal of a model is workability, not accuracy. Physical means we can touch it. Conceptual means it is in our mind or on paper—ideas or equations. Science does not find TRUTH. Science finds out what works—what explains the situation. Does it work, does it explain what we see????
Science is not … a source of final answers or truth. going to give us a correct view of the world. completely objective. always based on direct observations. Again science does not find TRUTH. Science is never completely correct—it is always redoing experiments and reforming theories.
Historical Science Origins Science the scientific study of evidence for the origins of physical and living things in the world Where did we come from?
Inference a suggestion of past causes for objects or processes that exist today based upon events and processes that are believed to have existed in the past
Paradigm way of thinking a mindset or worldview Like a presupposition, it determines the activities and attitudes of the scientist. Really no different that the term worldview. How you look at things.
Hypotheses, Theories, and Laws As scientists learn new things, new knowledge must be “fit in” with previous knowledge. Scientists do this with hypotheses, theories, and laws. We have to make them work with our presuppositions, or discard our presuppositions.
Hypothesis an educated guess a temporary explanation of an object or event What I think it is—based on my presuppositions and worldview.
Theory describes the behaviors of things or events a “tested explanation of scientific observations” I have tested it out and it seems to work
Law the end result a “statement of uniform pattern of behavior” very different from a theory I have tested it out every which way I can and it still works!!!
A theory tells why things happen. A law describes what happens.
PressArt: Physical Science text p. 13
Science What? observing and making models How? systematically studying creation Why? so we can be good stewards How do you describe science? Answer these questions.
Science is … the collection of observations, inferences, and models produced through a systematic study of nature for the purpose of enabling humans to exercise good and wise dominion over God’s world.
Physical Science Physics Physical Science Chemistry is made up of two areas: Physics Physical Science Chemistry This is what we are going to be studying this year.
the study of matter and energy and how they interact Physics the study of matter and energy and how they interact This is what we will study first. Later on you can take a course that deals with Physics alone—in greater detail and with more math.
the study of the structure, composition, and changes in matter Chemistry the study of the structure, composition, and changes in matter This is the second half of this course. Later on in high school, there is also a course on Chemistry.
Question A model is created with a goal of accuracy. True False No—it needs to work and explain what is going on. Question
Science is always based on direct observations. True False Question
Doing Science: The Map in Use How do we do science? How do we use it??
How do I become a scientist? Recognize an area of interest. Discover knowledge about that area. First, what does it mean or take to be a scientist? As you learn more, you become more interested.
The Scientific Method Pose a question. Suggest a hypothesis. Collect data (information). See something—we ALL do. But a scientist wonders WHY. Then he comes up with a reason that he thinks might explain it. Then he is compelled to see if he is correct.
First Things First Review the Journals the process of determining what research has already been performed that relates to the hypothesis
Types of Data Qualitative Quantitative Descriptions Numbers
How do you collect data? data mining
Data Mining reviewing studies that have already been published in order to find data that can be used
How do you collect data? data mining collection
taking examples from nature for study Example: an insect collection
How do you collect data? data mining collection survey
Survey a sampling or partial collection of information from a collection or group
How do you collect data? data mining collection survey waiting for the opportunity
Waiting for an Opportunity Sometimes scientists must wait for long periods of time for an event to occur.
How do you collect data? data mining collection survey waiting for the opportunity trial and error
Trial and Error attempting to use various means to reach a desired outcome where those means that are unsuccessful are thrown out
How do you collect data? data mining collection survey waiting for the opportunity trial and error controlled experiment
Controlled Experiment a procedure for testing a hypothesis in which only one variable is altered at a time
Data Analysis After the data is collected it is analyzed to determine how it relates to the hypothesis. Does the data support the hypothesis?
The Scientific Method Pose a question. Suggest a hypothesis. Collect data (information). Evaluate the hypothesis. Report the conclusions.
What Scientists Do Operational Science research Historical Science origins Teaching Science Consultation
Question What type of data deals with numbers? Qualitative Quantified Quantitative Qualified Question
Charting Your Course
Remember, science produces models, not truth. Model vs. Truth Remember, science produces models, not truth.
2 Areas of Science Basic or Theoretical and Applied
Basic or Theoretical find out new facts the 500’s section in the library
Applied use new knowledge the 600’s section in the library
Loving God with Science submitting glorifying Him adoring His greatness and goodness in His creation displaying His greatness and goodness through our work
Loving our Neighbor with Science serving preventing diseases energy